Lies That Kill – Essence of Collapse X

Lies That Kill – Essence of Collapse X by Randolph Jason for The Recovered Word Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt. Juvenal (circa 55–127 A.D.), Roman poet When a community becomes distracted they are much easier to control. They are also under a spell from the enemy of humanity himself. Once this takes root in a handful of people more and more people continually pile on, a herd begins to form and more and more simply follow the herd. Before you know it, we’re no longer…

Make Children Hate Their Ancestors – Essence Of Collapse IX

Make Children Hate Their Ancestors – Essence Of Collapse IX by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network It appears we will never be able to stop reporting on the subject of our collapsing society as every time it seems we couldn’t possibly find another facet, well, another facet is revealed. The sad part is all previous nine installments address different aspects of our everyday life that have been impacted, manipulated or completely wrecked by one institution or another. And to think, we haven’t even looked at art or architecture in…

Our Leaders Have Abandoned Us – Essence Of Collapse VIII

Our Leaders Have Abandoned Us – Essence Of Collapse VIII by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network We never intended for this series to become a series, it just happened. We are now three years and eight “chapters” deep into the Essence of Collapse. With the help of Tucker Carlson and others, we can see a variety of pieces that make up a collapsing society such as we are experiencing right now in the U.S. and, more broadly, the Western, so-called “developed” world. The only “first world” developed nations that…

Carjacking Is A Massive Attack Upon Our Social Contract: Essence Of Collapse VII

Carjacking Is A Massive Attack Upon Our Social Contract: Essence Of Collapse VII VII by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network In 2019 we wrote a series of articles following Tucker Carlson’s lead documenting our collapsing society. The “Essence of Collapse” series points to items that, on the surface, can be overlooked as one of the mechanisms of a collapsing society, but taken in context with the other items the picture becomes quiet clear. Our society is, in fact, collapsing the evidence is overwhelming. We picked the series up, again,…

Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother…The Essence Of Collapse VI

Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother…The Essence Of Collapse VI by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network As children, most of us or, at least some of us, are taught to “honor thy father and thy mother”. How does that apply when your parents are divorced? How does it apply when there never was a union between the man and the woman, there was only people that came together, had a sexual encounter and a child was born? A situation where no one really takes responsibility for a life coming…

Corporate Media, Politicians and Control: The Essence of Collapse Pt IV

Corporate Media, Politicians and Control: The Essence of Collapse Pt IV by Rory for The Daily Coin GNN Note – Originally published August 2019. / END We have had a full week of lies, deception, politicians screaming and corporate media “personalities” calling us everything from nazi to haters, of course, we’re racist, and even one idiot lying about President Trump calling for the extermination of people. Liars and control freaks each and every one. They lie to us endlessly – corporate media types and politicians alike. That’s their job –…

The Essence of Collapse Part II

The Essence of Collapse Part II by Rory for The Daily Coin GNN Note – Originally published March 2019. / END When I wrote part I there was no intention of there being a part II. Now that the landscape is becoming filled with the debris of collapse it is obvious there will probably be more than two parts. The one central theme of a collapsing economy/empire/society/community whatever you wish to call it, the one central theme that is stripped away is God. When God is removed economies/empires/societies/communities collapse. All…

Church Offerings – Essence of Collapse V

Church Offerings – Essence of Collapse V by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network This entire year, literally, beginning on January 3, 2019, I have focused primarily on the Essence of Collapse. Our society is collapsing around us and for those with eyes to see and ears to hear it is terrifying. Seeing our neighborhoods, communities, family, friends and colleagues, literally, die in the streets should be a wake up call for believers, but sadly, this is not the case. The reason I say this with such conviction is simple.…

Rat Infested, Third World Conditions: The Essence of Collapse III

Rat Infested, Third World Conditions: The Essence of Collapse III by Rory for The Daily Coin For the past several years we’ve spent a lot of time on the topic of economic collapse. It could be argued that is the entire reason for this websites existence and why I do what I do. President Trump, as I am sure you all know, sent a series of tweets directed at 13 term democrat, Congressman, Elijah Cummings. The President was pointing out the fact that a large portion of Mr. Cummings Baltimore district…

Tucker Carlson Explains The Essence of Collapse

Tucker Carlson Explains The Essence of Collapse by Rory – The Daily Coin The first fifteen minutes of the video below are a must watch. Tucker Carlson, Fox News, obviously put some serious thought and work into this segment. It is really well presented and by the time he reaches the first break your blood will be boiling, your heart will have broken and it’s a good possibility you will see our economy and the family in a different light altogether. Mr. Carlson describes, in great detail, the essence of…