Enemy At The Gate and Enemy Inside The Walls

Enemy At The Gate and Enemy Inside The Walls by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network We have an opportunity within every minute of everyday to make decisions of what the next step should be. With each passing breath we can either praise, seek the guidance of God or go our own way. It’s the rush to free-will that gets into to trouble. Not sometimes, but every time. We as a society have seemingly lost our way. Look around. What we see is a society in collapse. Why? Chasing free-will…


The Choices We Make… Truth Vs Error

The Choices We Make… Truth Vs Error by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart. ~ Zechariah 7:10 KJB What if we Christian women spent time seeking out women’s safe house’s to minister to them? What if both Christian men and women spent time with with Big Brother/Big Sister or Boys or Girls Club? What about finding what your role is in the Kingdom serving…


From Throw Away to Adopted Child of God – Testimony 5/23/2024

From Throw Away to Adopted Child of God – Testimony 5/23/2024 by Randolph Jason for The Recovered Word / Gospel News Network December 8, 2003 was the last time, as of this writing, that I “came-to” from being passed out, again. From age 8, smoking cigarettes, age 9 first recreational drugs until age 41 it was a life of misery, angry and pain. My birth certificate, which is as close to the beginning as one can get without discussing the actual birth, my birth certificate proclaims an address that is…


The Case For Jesus Christ

The Case For Jesus Christ by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Jesus Christ, who is God, came down from Heaven to save us from our sin. He chose twelve Disciples to teach the world about His coming, His life, His death and His resurrection into new life in us as He ascended back into the glory of Heaven. This was foretold in a series of writings that are commonly referred to as the old Testament, the Torah and a variety of other names. There are a great many prophesies…


Who Is The Sower and Where Does He Sow?

Who Is The Sower and Where Does He Sow? There is hard ground that does not receive the Word of God. There are hard places in our heart that reject the Word of God. There are people in our lives that attempt to wrap us in worldly nonsense that chokes out the Word of God from our hearts. There is also a fertile heart that receives the Word of God and the seeds that are planted there grow, multiply and bring fourth beautiful fruit. This fruit has an opportunity to…


This Is Our God (Video)

This Is Our God Video by Phil Wickham Remember those walls that we called sin and shame They were like prisons that we couldn’t escape But He came and He died and He rose Those walls are rubble now Remember those giants we called death and grave They were like mountains that stood in our way But He came and He died and He rose Those giants are dead now This is our God This is who He is He loves us This is our God This is what He…


The NZ data is crystal clear evidence that the COVID vaccine is deadly. A simple, stunning example.

The NZ data is crystal clear evidence that the COVID vaccine is deadly. A simple, stunning example by Steve Kirsch – SubStack Executive summary The deaths since dose curve goes up in every country and and after every dose that we have data on. Here’s an example from New Zealand. Introduction Below is deaths per month since getting Shot #1 in the months of July, Aug, Sept 2021. The x-axis is the months since shot #1 was given. All ages are included so nobody accuses me of “cherry picking.” The deaths are…


What is Dedollarization?

What is Dedollarization? from APMEX With the common mention of BRICS and dedollarization in the news cycle over the last few years, you may be wondering what is dedollarization? Simply put, dedollarization is the process of ending reliance on the U.S. dollar as the primary currency in the global economy. The Might of the U.S. Dollar The U.S. dollar has been the world’s dominant reserve currency for over 75 years, ever since the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 established the dollar as the primary currency for international trade and finance. After World…


Why Bethlehem? | Dr. David Jeremiah (Video)

Why Bethlehem? | Dr. David Jeremiah Video for Turning Point Why, out of all the cities that could have been chosen for the birth of our Savior, was Bethlehem chosen? Learn about God’s sovereign purpose in selecting Bethlehem as the birthplace of Jesus. 00:00 – The promise in the birth of Christ 01:44 – Dr. Jeremiah’s message – “Why Bethlehem?” 25:53 – Next Time on Turning Point