Dismantling an Idol (Video)

Dismantling an Idol Video by A Voice In The Desert Humans have always worshipped the creation more than the creator. But idol worship isn’t limited to pagan religions. There is an idol in Christianity that the leaders of the church say IS perfect, complete and was given to us from God. So what is this idol, and why do people worship it, in place of worshipping God?


What Is Your Name? Who Are You?

What Is Your Name? Who Are You? by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Two simple questions. Ask people “what is your name?” and watch how they react. Listen to their response. Ask them “what is your whole name?” and more-than-likely there will be a completely different reaction than the first. Ask them “who are you?” and it is likely the response will be something to do with their job or where they live – nothing to do with who they are – we are not the task we perform…


Come Jesus Come (Video)

Come Jesus Come Video by Stephen McWhirter Sometimes I fall, to my knees and pray Come, Jesus come, let today be the day Sometimes I feel, like I’m gonna break But I’m holding on, to a hope that won’t fade Come, Jesus, come We’ve been waiting so long For the day You return to heal every hurt and right every wrong We need You right now Come and turn this around Deep down I know, this world isn’t home Come, Jesus, come Come, Jesus, come There’ll be no war, and…


Is the Spirit of Columbia the Head Demon Over the United States? Is this Demon Referenced in Biblical Prophecy?

Is the Spirit of Columbia the Head Demon Over the United States? Is this Demon Referenced in Biblical Prophecy? by Brian Shilhavy for Health Impact News One of the teachings of the Bible that I have referenced frequently in my writings is that the entire world system, particularly its political and financial systems, is all part of Satan’s kingdom. This is the system that all of us are born into naturally, and to escape this demonic system, we have to be “born again” spiritually to enter into the Kingdom of…


The House Republicans have–guess what–expanded the Federal Surveillance of Americans

The House Republicans have–guess what–expanded the Federal Surveillance of Americans by Paul Craig Roberts https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/12/09/the-modified-fisa-702-reauthorization-bill-hr-6611-has-passed-the-house-the-changes-have-expanded-federal-surveillance-of-americans/  As I have sadly reported on several occasions, there is no hope in the Republican Party. The only positive about Republicans is that they do not hate white people and, at least not yet, are not actively working to make and keep white Americans second class citizens with less rights under law as the Democrats  do.  But corporations, once identified with Republicans, openly discriminate against white heterosexual gentiles  by refusing to hire and to promote them..…


Canadian Human Rights Commission Labels Christmas Celebration “Discrimination Grounded In Colonialism”

Canadian Human Rights Commission Labels Christmas Celebration “Discrimination Grounded In Colonialism” BY TYLER DURDEN for Zero Hedge The cancerous spread of woke ideology into every facet of society and government is more obvious in some places compared to others, but every so often the movement crosses a line and sparks considerable opposition.  In the US, the social justice movement seems to have hit a few snags; numerous companies adopting and promoting ESG related propaganda have been pummeled with successful boycotts, losing billions in profits and in stock value.  Overall public…


Young Brits Open to Banning the Bible ‘Unless the Offended Parts Can Be Edited Out’

Young Brits Open to Banning the Bible ‘Unless the Offended Parts Can Be Edited Out’ by Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire Close to a quarter of young British people said recently they would be open to banning the Bible if they believed its pages contained “hate speech.” Whitestone Insights, a polling group, surveyed 2,088 adults in the United Kingdom, asking them if they agreed with the following statement: Unless the offending parts can be edited out, books containing what some perceive as hate speech should be banned from general sale,…


‘The Great Taking’ Documentary Exposes ‘The Greatest Crime Ever Contemplated’

‘The Great Taking’ Documentary Exposes ‘The Greatest Crime Ever Contemplated’ By The Defender Staff for Children’s Health Defense In “The Great Taking” documentary now airing on CHD.TV, former hedge fund manager David Webb takes the audience step by step through his forensic investigation into the legal, financial and regulatory changes that have set up “the greatest crime ever contemplated … the planned confiscation of everyone’s global securities assets.” In “The Great Taking,” a new documentary airing on CHD.TV, former hedge fund manager David Webb takes the audience step by step through his…