Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State

Steve Bannon And China’s Deep State by Matthew Ehret for The Last American Vagabond “I consider Xi Jinping the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world. –George Soros, 2021 “China has emerged as the greatest economic and national security threat the United States has ever faced” –Steve Bannon, 2019 How to Overthrow the Communist Party of China On June 4, 2020, purged billionaire deep state operative Guo Wengui (aka: Miles Guo), now operating from New York City, established a new organization called ‘The New Federal State of China’ with…


The ‘China Model’ and the WEF

The ‘China Model’ and the WEF By Scott S. Powell for American Thinker GNN Note – China = rolmodel … WEF = China = Digitale repressie #Cash = #Freedom Use it RT 💯 — #PayCashForFreedom #NoQr (@berry7_b) December 1, 2022 /END For decades Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) has been recruiting and cultivating corporate and political leaders from all over the world to embrace a vision and plan for a complete social, political, and economic transformation — a “Great Reset” — which is nothing short of a communist “New…


China: It’s A Beta Test For The New World Order

China: It’s A Beta Test For The New World Order from Alt-Market By Brandon Smith For over a decade there has been an open globalist obsession with the Chinese governmental model – A love affair, if you will. Many top proponents of global centralization including Henry Kissinger and George Soros have praised China in the past and hinted that the communist country is burgeoning into a major player within the New World Order. Soros expressed this exact sentiment way back in 2009, around the time that China began courting the…


China Protestors Call for End to CCP Rule

China Protestors Call for End to CCP Rule by Gordon G. Chang for Gatestone Institute Fomenting hatred of America, to save the Communist Party from popular unrest, would not be a big step for Xi. The CCP, as the Chinese Communist Party is informally known, has now lost hearts across the country. China throughout the Communist period has witnessed demonstrations, but most of them are, as Burton noted, “highly localized” and “directed at malfeasance, corruption, and incompetence of lower level Communist functionaries.” Now, however, the anger is directed at the Party…


New “Red Gold Standard” Threatens the Dollar

New “Red Gold Standard” Threatens the Dollar From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group GNN Note – As soon as countries begin, realistically, discussing gold as money, gold in circulation as payment for anything, anything at all…well, bad things tend to start happening to that country. Libya, for example, followed by Iran. Both countries merely mentioned, in public, that gold would be welcomed as payment and look at both of those countries today. There are no coincidences in life. Now we have Nord Stream 1 and 2 / END This…