Don’t Let The Lies Speak To You…

Don’t Let The Lies Speak To You… by Randolph Jason for The Recovered Word

In mid January 2025 I have the distinct honor of speaking with a group of trouble teenagers ranging in age from 13-17. It has changed my life. Seeing myself as a teenager at age 62 is something that will move a person in ways previously unknown.

It begins with re-naming them and discussing their identity in Jesus Christ. This true identity, the identity the King of kings gives us, is what determines our path. We are not very interested in learning the truth nor going through the trials and tribulations required to make change in our lives. Drugs, pornography, womanizing/whoremongering is so much easier than actually doing things.

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I pray you hear something that impacts you and moves to seek more, learn more and want to talk to some young men or the ladies to speak with other young ladies. We are the only ones that are going to change anything. Government will never change things, that’s not their job, it’s our job and our responsibility. Help the children embrace the future intended for them.

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