Nothing Screams Moral Decay Louder than Drag Queen Story Hour

Nothing Screams Moral Decay Louder than Drag Queen Story Hour by  David French, Drag Queen Story Hour, Sohrab Ahmari for Life Site News It is somewhat strange that the conservative civil war currently raging between the classical liberals (represented by the National Review’s David French) and the “illiberals” (represented by the New York Post’s Sohrab Ahmari) seems to be largely centred around Drag Queen Story Hour (colloquially referred to as DQSH). While it is not surprising that Ahamari calls it a cultural crisis—Al Mohler and a string of other high profile religious figures fully agree with…


Church Offerings – Essence of Collapse V

Church Offerings – Essence of Collapse V by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network This entire year, literally, beginning on January 3, 2019, I have focused primarily on the Essence of Collapse. Our society is collapsing around us and for those with eyes to see and ears to hear it is terrifying. Seeing our neighborhoods, communities, family, friends and colleagues, literally, die in the streets should be a wake up call for believers, but sadly, this is not the case. The reason I say this with such conviction is simple.…


How Can We Help?

How Can We Help? I’ve heard most of my life that according to the teachings of Jesus Christ we are not to judge others. The passage about judging others lest you are judged the same is often misquoted when someone is attempting to make this argument. In AA I was taught, rightly so in my opinion, that I am to judge others, and situations, otherwise I could find myself in serious trouble with my drinking problem or in a dangerous situation that is a threat to my life. Does God…


California Dept Of Ed adoption sexuality curriculum (Video)

California Dept Of Ed adoption sexuality curriculum Video by The Informed Mama youtube comment Katie Marie This is open war on our children. The fact that NAMBLA is in ANY way associated with the and/or involved in the curriculums, content, policies & lawmaking or Any capacity in our elementary school systems is not only depraved, it’s diabolical & criminal! Video Source