He Has Done Whatsoever He Pleases…

He Has Done Whatsoever He Pleases… When we make silver and gold our idles we are falling into a trap that is made by the evil one. The devil wants us to think of ourselves as a god. The devil wants us to see ourselves as equal to a god and worship anything but the God of All, the great I Am. Once the devil convinces us of this lie then he has us in his clutches. The chains the devil uses are made of rice paper with the appearance…


He Raises The Poor Out Of The Dust…

He Raises The Poor Out Of The Dust… We should be glad in the Lord in all our days. We should sing praise to the Lord for His mighty works in our lives and in our lands. It is because of the Lord goodness and love for us that our lives are made rich in righteousness, and therefore, we should sing His praise throughout the day and all through the night. He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; The Lord is gracious and full of compassion. He has…


Even From The Rebellious…

Even From The Rebellious… Some days we should spend praising God all the day long. We should make time to do nothing more than count our blessings as to remind ourselves of the goodness of God. It is because of God’s goodness that we have breathe, that we a roof over our head and food on the table. We did not provide these things, yes, we did gather some of the items, but it was God who made it possible for us to gather them. For this we give Him…


After They Have Escaped The Pollutions Of The World…

After They Have Escaped The Pollutions Of The World… The beauty of God is all around us, it is built-in to every situation of our lives. Sometimes it jumps out at us like a Jack-in-the-box and other times it may take some real effort, real prayer and real time in order for it to be revealed. Rest assured it is built-in to every tragedy in everyone’s life. No one can get away from it. God has ordained us with free will or we can follow God’s will. When we follow…


From Heaven We Heard…

From Heaven We Heard… A witness to our Christ identity is imperative so there is a triangulation of knowledge and Truth. Anyone can say they “heard” this or “heard” that but when there is a witness to collaborate what has been heard – what has been spoken – it becomes all the more difficult for doubt to invade. If the witness is a trusted person in our life, but is not a family member or close friend then the credibility of the witness is heightened. When Jesus Christ was baptized…


With A Perfect Heart and With A Willing Mind…

With A Perfect Heart and With A Willing Mind… In order for us to know who we are we must know where we have come from, we must know our history. In order to know our history there must be an account of who is in our past, where they lived and, it would be very helpful, to know what they did during their life. The more we know the richer our lives become. When a person reads the Holy Bible, especially the Torah, the old testament, there are a…


Rescue Me And Deliver Me…

Rescue Me And Deliver Me… As we serve the Lord, our God, we often times fail, or at least, what we see is failure. Our greatest tool remains prayer and meditation. Our prayers, draped in humility, supplication and thanksgiving will always be answered. The answer my not be in the moment of prayer nor may it be the exact answer we were seeking, but all prayers are answered, we just need be aware of what we find. For the enemy has persecuted my soul; He has crushed my life to…


Where Can I Go From Your Spirit…

Where Can I Go From Your Spirit… We are not worthy of God’s love and, certainly not worthy of His grace and mercy. God, through His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, sees fit to shower our lives with mercies renewed every morning and lifts our spirits with love and grace all throughout the day and night. We did nothing to deserve these awe inspiring gifts, our Lord and Master makes it possible with each new morning. While we may not worthy, God makes it so. LORD, my heart is…


Corruption That Is In The World Through Lust…

Corruption That Is In The World Through Lust… Where do we see corruption in our world? Are we guilty of being corrupt? Where does this corruption come from, what is it’s root? When our eyes go astray and lust fills our heart the door is not only wide open the door has been ripped from the hinges and the wall holding the door is collapsed and our heart and soul are now wide open for a full on attack from the devil. Sure, we may turn away our eye from…


Through God We Will Do Valiantly…

Through God We Will Do Valiantly… When do we stop putting our trust in other people, and simply love them, and begin trusting Jesus Christ? Are we suppose to put our trust in flawed, broken, sinful people or are we suppose to Trust Jesus Christ and love people? We find the answer to these questions over and over again throughout the Bible. We also look in the mirror and seeing ourselves trusting a doctor to heal our loved one who has become ill. We look in the mirror and see…