What Mike Bickle Really Thinks About Kanye West’s Christian Conversion

What Mike Bickle Really Thinks About Kanye West’s Christian Conversion by IHOPKC/ADAM WITTENBERG for Charisma News It’s exciting: A major celebrity makes a public profession of faith in Jesus. Even better, his new album is called Jesus Is King and includes songs that quote Scripture. “Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, Jesus is Lord” are the lyrics of “Jesus Is Lord,” which references Philippians 2:10-11. What are we to make of Kanye West’s testimony? Is it encouraging—something to celebrate with the hope that it will help reach the masses for Christ? Or…


Who Says Christianity Is Dying?

Who Says Christianity Is Dying? I love seeing scenes like this – would like to see more in the U.S.. Good to know they are coming!! Just a matter of time before the conservative Christian crowd stands up to make their voice heard. Probably have to get through decades of fluoridated water and chemically processed foods, but as more and more people drink real water and eat actual food, this will allow their brains to function and scenes like the one below will be from coast to coast and boarder…


World Congress of Families Launches Major Pro-Family, Pro-Life News Site in 5 Languages

World Congress of Families Launches Major Pro-Family, Pro-Life News Site in 5 Languages by Brian S. Brown for Russia-Insider Editor’s note: Brian Brown is a hero, leading a global fight against abortion and LGBT. His World Congress of Families is a major force in rolling back the degeneracy of Globohomo, and it is succeeding. Taking the fight to the media is a smart move on his part, one of many over a long successful career. Traveling around the world for World Congress of Families events, I’ve had the great blessing…


3 Thought-Provoking New Christian Documentaries

3 Thought-Provoking New Christian Documentaries by BRETT MCCRACKEN for The Gospel Coalition In recent years we have seen the growth of a genre I might call “theological documentary.” As faith-oriented films go, this genre has become somewhat of a bright spot in an otherwise uninspiring “Christian movie” landscape. Documentaries can get away with being didactic and apologetics-oriented in ways fiction films can’t, which is why they’re often well-suited for theological content. Last year’s For the Love of God documentary, for example, was a far more effective defense of Christianity than any of the God’s…


Michelle Malkin: Parents’ Anti-Drag Queen Hour Resistance Rises

Michelle Malkin: Parents’ Anti-Drag Queen Hour Resistance Rises By Michelle Malkin for CNS News The Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy this week amid a deluge of sex-abuse lawsuits. The Catholic clergy’s pedophilia conspiracies have cost the church more than $3 billion and countless followers. Scandal after scandal shows how cunning child predators have exploited trusted civic institutions under cover of “diversity,” “inclusion” and “progressivism.” Now more than ever, parents across the country are rising up to protect their local public schools and public libraries from turning into the next…


Prophecy: A Jubilee Anointing Is About to Hit America

Prophecy: A Jubilee Anointing Is About to Hit America by JOE JOE DAWSON for Charisma News For decades, intercessors, prophets and many believers have all been prophesying and praying for America to experience revival and awakening. I believe the time is now for America to receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like never before! The Lord recently highlighted to me two different numbers. The first was that there are 50 states within the United States. What does the number 50 mean Biblically? 50 represents jubilee. The second number was…


Spirit-Filled Doctor Explains the Real Remedy to Christians’ Suffering

Spirit-Filled Doctor Explains the Real Remedy to Christians’ Suffering by CHARISMA HOUSE for Charisma News In her book Find Your Peace, Rodica Malos, DNP, uses her experience of immigrating to America to encourage readers to grieve when they are suffering. Malos offers a fresh perspective, as Christians often trivialize the role of emotion in faith. “People sometimes minimize or disregard emotions when talking about our Creator. But God grieves with us,” Malos says. She recalls having to wait six years after moving to America before she could visit her family in…


Kanye West Shares Testimony to 17,000 Students: ‘There Was a Time When the Devil Had Me’

Kanye West Shares Testimony to 17,000 Students: ‘There Was a Time When the Devil Had Me’ By CBN News By: Andrea Morris Kanye West and his Sunday Service Choir performed at the Strength to Stand Christian youth conference in Pigeon Forge, TN over the weekend. West stepped onto the stage and powerfully spoke the lyrics from “Jesus is King,” “Follow God” and “Closed on Sunday.” Standing before more than 12,000 students, West proclaimed, “I believe Jesus died for my sins. There was a time when the devil had me,” The Christian Post reports. “I…