3 Thought-Provoking New Christian Documentaries

3 Thought-Provoking New Christian Documentaries by BRETT MCCRACKEN for The Gospel Coalition In recent years we have seen the growth of a genre I might call “theological documentary.” As faith-oriented films go, this genre has become somewhat of a bright spot in an otherwise uninspiring “Christian movie” landscape. Documentaries can get away with being didactic and apologetics-oriented in ways fiction films can’t, which is why they’re often well-suited for theological content. Last year’s For the Love of God documentary, for example, was a far more effective defense of Christianity than any of the God’s…


Get Inspired (Video)

Get Inspired Video by Kingdom Composers Ever feel like you can’t start a project until you get inspired? Well, prepare to be inspired! For more inspiration and encouragement, book a call with me and we’ll talk about how you can share what inspires you through music. Book your call here: https://www.kingdomcomposers.com/apply Follow and subscribe to Kingdom Composers at: https://www.facebook.com/KingdomCompo… https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgXS… As always, thank you for watching! Video Source