“The Father Who Dwells In Me Does The Works”

“The Father Who Dwells In Me Does The Works” When first hearing the word “works” it seemed like such an odd way of using a word that all of us use on a regular basis. The original publishing company for the book Alcoholics Anonymous was called The Works Publishing Company. It took a minute to understand why this name was used. Our Father wants us to be near Him and He wants us to have that desire within. Once the desire reveals itself it is as if a faucet has…


Through Him the World Is Not Condemned but Saved

Through Him the World Is Not Condemned but Saved A slight change in perception can change ones entire outlook on the world. We think we see things in one Light when, in fact, it is intended to be seen from a completely different angle. The deeper the dive the narrow the path, the narrower the path the deeper we allowed to dive. Reaching a point of saturation should be the goal. Why only get half wet or two-thirds? Can we be born of water and Spirit if we are only…


Do-It-Yourself Olive Oil Lamp

Do-It-Yourself Olive Oil Lamp by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog I made this olive oil lamp years ago. I thought I would show it again as yet another alternative for a minimal light source when the power goes out. Remember though, respect the flame! Can Olive Oil Burn? Yes. All oil will burn at their own unique flash point temperatures. Olive oil is a good choice for cooking because it has a high smoke point (~400 degrees-F), a high flash point (600 degrees-F), and a high auto-ignition temperature (815 degrees-F).…


Darkness Gets Confused

Darkness Gets Confused WOW! Do you ever see something that you have looked at your entire life and one day you actually see it – has this ever happened to you? Shining the Light of truth in the darkness is one of the main goals of Christianity. If we are not shining the Light we are living in darkness – or as I have heard it said another way, we are either living or dying, we are not standing still. Today, I choose to live and today I ask for…


Standing Firm

Standing Firm Today is the day we must stand with God. Our time is no different than previous times with the moral decay, decadence and a world seemingly on the edge of a cliff. What is different today than during the time when Jesus Christ was upon the earth? As Paul describes in Ephesians 6 NKJV 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles…


Real Joy Has an Address

Real Joy Has an Address by Matt Smethurst for The Gospel Coalition As a dad, I’m not always pleased when my kids obey me. This is because they need to obey with a glad and sincere heart, and that is not always the case. Any child can muster grudging compliance. I’m longing to see a willing spirit and joyful trust. The command to be joyful permeates the Scriptures, but it’s a bit strange if you think about it. Joy is an emotion, not a behavior. How can I be told to feel a certain…


The Light of the Gospel

The Light of the Gospel On mission. Am I on mission and spreading the Gospel? This is a question that I struggle with everyday. Am I doing enough to show others what the Good Word looks like? One of the main reasons I decided to attend the church where we currently in attendance was due to the Associate Pastor explaining to every one this church “is on mission in our city”. He also explained the church was on mission around the world, which it is very involved in lands far,…


How Your Faith Can Empower You to Greatness

How Your Faith Can Empower You to Greatness by SHAWN A. AKERS for Charisma News Rev. Pablo Diaz says his life mission is to help people maximize their personal and leadership potential. All it takes is a little bit of faith. The vice president of ministries for Guideposts’ Outreach Division, Diaz says he learned well as part of the John Maxwell team that faith empowers believers with strength to face life’s challenges and to maximize the opportunities that are set before them each day. “Faith is inner strength that we…