Convert, And Be Healed… We carry the Word of the Lord to people that can not hear and can not see. Will they ever have ears to hear and eyes to see? We share the Gospel with them day and night, night and day until we can speak no more. Until deeds are complete and task are no more. This day will not come until the Lord our God says for it to come. What a day that will be. What a day it will be for the people around…
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At That Day Ye Shall Know…
At That Day Ye Shall Know… Sometimes while in the Word it speaks so clearly and elegantly that we can actually grasp what Jesus Christ is teaching us. Sometimes while in the Word we could read, re-read and then re-read again and it bounces off us like a errant basketball shot hitting the back board on a weird angle. The Book of John is beautifully written. Like Isiah the prophet, John paints pictures with Words spoken in such a way that for those with a visual mind can see these…
READ MOREPut On The Imperishable…
Put On The Imperishable… Let us take care of what we have, that God may provide the increase and we have more to share with others. Let the seeds of faith and love multiply within us that we may spread the Gospel upon fertile soil that it may increase by one-hundred fold. With the Love of God in our hearts we can proceed in this day. With the Living Waters flowing through us, through our veins, we must share the name of Jesus Christ with those we come in contact…
READ MOREIntents of the Heart…
Intents of the Heart… Falling is easy, but staying in love is hard Hard to be honest and keep our heart open To be who we truly are Without the excuses, without the façade There’s no pretending Here in Your love Oh, Lord set me… free Oh, Lord set me… free ~Sails, by Pat Barrett When we think or believe we are “hiding” from Jesus we are, in fact, simply kicking sand in His face and turning our back on Him. Jesus doesn’t leave us, we leave Him. We move…
READ MORETarry Ye Here…
Tarry Ye Here… As we mourn, we are blessed. This can be confusing, at least to some, as it sounds like a contradiction. Pain and suffering bring about joy and rejoicing. As the pain subsides and joy takes over, the beauty of God is often revealed. Do we always see it? Nope. Do we always realize that it is there among the broken pieces? Nope. That doesn’t mean it’s not their nor does it mean it doesn’t exist. It does and it is – always. We have to look for…
READ MOREThat Ye May Prove…
That Ye May Prove… Keeping the Greatest Commandment may be the biggest challenge we will ever face. When we can do this with every step, with every breath, every thought in our mind and with every beat of our heart we will in fact be walking with the Spirit of God in the name of Jesus Christ. The key is with every step, with every breath, every thought in our mind and with every beat of our heart – that’s where the challenge lies. And Jesus answered him, The first…
READ MOREWalk In The Spirit…
Walk In The Spirit… Does “the law”, God’s law – the Hebrew scripture, the Torah – save us from ourselves and save us from sin? No, it can not. The law teaches us what ails us. “Thou shall not…” is how several of the Ten Commandments begin. We know we are not to murder, not to steal, not to get drunk, not to take drugs recreationally. We know these things because of the Torah. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your…
READ MORESanctify The Lord God…
Sanctify The Lord God… If we follow Jesus Christ, who can harm; what can harm us? If we believe in the very depths of our soul that Jesus Christ was born, walked this earth, was crucified and raised from the dead who or what can bring us harm? We have all that we need, right there. Literally, everything else is a gift from God; making everything without exception a gift from God. And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good? But even…
READ MOREBecome Followers of What is Good…
Become Followers of What is Good… If we follow that which is good what could harm us? In what ways will our lives turn out to be off course, our of balance and causing harm to others? If we are acting as we are good, helping others at every turn, with every step, what could harm us? As the days unfold before our eyes under the wing of our Master, Jesus Christ, our days would be filled with Light. While we stand in His shadow, there is no darkness, only…
READ MOREAgainst Principalities, Against Powers…
Against Principalities, Against Powers… We are in a constant state of war. Our flesh is battling against the powers of darkness and their strongholds are this world as we walk into this darkness as Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. As we march in the name of Jesus Christ the powers against us are many. The powers against us never sleep and never stop learning how to attack us. The principalities and rulers of the darkness of this age come from the right, from the left and every angle imaginable.…