Thanksgiving Faith 2021

Thanksgiving Faith 2021 One of my favorite days of the year has arrived. I love Thanksgiving as it is a time dedicated specifically for family, sharing love and offering praises and thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that your year has been moving in the direction that helped you get closer to God, see through the fog and accept those things that you can not change. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men…


Meet Darrell Brooks…

Meet Darrell Brooks… The thing is…when your currency is corrupt everything it touches must lie in order to cover up the lies the currency is telling. Our currency became corrupt on December 24, 1913. The day the Federal Reserve Note was born. In December 2013 Obama, the 44th occupant of the White House and arguably the most corrupt person to occupy the White House since FDR, this man, Obama signed into law the right for the government to spread propaganda, legally. He signed into law HR 4310 allowing media to…


Hunted vs Hunter – Who is Who?

Hunted vs Hunter – Who is Who? She stated a “BLM protest“. Well, that’s 100% wrong, it was a riot. Kyle Rittenhouse did cross state lines, as most people do multiple times in their life and some people do it many times a year, a week or a day. Not a big deal. He did not – repeat – did not – carry a weapon across state lines. The people she is defending were a 5x convicted child raping pedophile, a convicted felonious serial wife beater and a felony career…


Why are people “celebrating” the death of other people?

Why are people “celebrating” the death of other people? Bill Maher – Believe it or not this is actually clean. If the communist in the formerly democrat party listen to, and own, what Bill Maher just said, who knows maybe there is another John F. Kennedy waiting in the wings. You know, a real liberal, a true progressive and an actual democrat. Nah…all those people are now in the Republican Party attempting to MAGA and keep our country from becoming just another socialist / communist cesspool. This is well worth…


Please Watch, Think and Share: Someone Had To Say Something

Please Watch, Think and Share: Someone Had To Say Something When do start talking, to one another, again? When do we allow the love in our heart to be set free? What will it take for our eyes to once again see, our ears to once again hear? We are not bad, we are confused, hurt and broken. It’s way past time to awaken the beauty of each other. Instead of allowing a literal handful of satanic demon worshippers dictate our lives. We don’t have to live this way. 2/2]…


Mark Richards, Attorney Representing Kyle Rittenhouse (Videos)

Mark Richards, Attorney Representing Kyle Rittenhouse Videos Pay very close – very close attention to the very end of the first segment. Cuomo cuts himself off as to not show his hand as it sounds like he going to agree with Mr. Richards. You be the judge. It’s funny that segment 2 video does not pick up at the true end point of segment 1. The video skips ahead either a few seconds, a few minutes, a couple of days…After editing some 700+ videos, anything, any time is possible. “Kyle…


Until Policy Makers Feel The Pain of Their Decisions – Nothing Will Change…

Until Policy Makers Feel The Pain of Their Decisions – Nothing Will Change… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network When you say you want to eliminate guns, but you’re surrounded by armed guards it’s easy to say “we need to eliminate guns”. When you say you want to defund the police while you’re surrounded by armed guards, and live in a walled community, it’s easy to say “defund the police”. When you say get vaccinated or lose your job while you make the policy to exempt you, your staff…


#WeAreKyleRittenhouse – Not Guilty

#WeAreKyleRittenhouse – Not Guilty I have been crying since they read the first #NotGuilty. Not sure if I’m happier for Mr. Rittenhouse or the U.S.A.. WATCH: Kyle Rittenhouse receives the not guilty verdict on all five counts. Get #RittenhouseTrial updates, here: — Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin (@SpectrumNews1WI) November 19, 2021 RITTENHOUSE VERDICT: NOT GUILTY ALL COUNTS! #KyleRittenhouse #KyleRittenhouseTrial #KyleRittenhouseverdict — Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) November 19, 2021 PRAISE THE LORD!!!! — Oligarch Kabuki 🐻 (@HouseCracka) November 19, 2021 #KyleRittenhouse NOT GUILTY OF ALL CHARGES —…


America: A Wonderful Republic…If We Can Keep It

America: A Wonderful Republic…If We Can Keep It by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” ~ Source The…


Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes…

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes… It’s getting harder and harder to discern reality from the false. Green screen technology is going next level and within the next couple of years it surpass what we know as real. The technology, as of today, can take a still image and turn a single image into a full length video. It still leaves a small digital footprint that technology forensic techs can locate, but I would guess that will disappear in short order. In the mean time check this out… Anything can be…