Eyes To See…Ears To Hear…

Eyes To See…Ears To Hear… Is there anybody out there? I’ve got electric light And I’ve got second sight Got amazing powers of observation And that is how I know When I try to get through On the telephone to you There’ll be nobody home ~ Nobody Home, Pink Floyd This is how we all see ourselves, but is it really who we are? Do we have these amazing powers? Do we actually read anything of value, do we study anything worth knowing, what us believe that our belief system…


We Are Done With The…

We Are Done With The… The parents, the Mom and Papa Bears, are done with these tyrants running the schools boards. No one gave them power over our children. No one gave them authority over our communities. No one gave them the right to make rules that families, parents and the community they operate are forced to  follow, they are not legislators, but them seem to have lost sight of this truth. Watch this school board member throw a tantrum and walk out of the meeting after being confronted with…


Check-Point Society…

Check-Point Society… Facts! 👇🏻 pic.twitter.com/zq5sED6O1H — PammsyIsBack2 (@PammsyB) February 20, 2022 If you have been paying attention to what is happening in Canada, first, congratulations we need more people paying attention, second, it should be quiet clear the Bindan regime fully supports what the Trudeau regime is doing in Canada. If Biden, and his Cabinet, didn’t sully support these nazi, satanic-globalist measures they would have said something by now. Not a word. Not a word from the U.K., not a word from any of the European nations, not a word…


“If You Don’t Believe Me…Get In Your Car and Go See For Yourself…” (Videos)

“If You Don’t Believe Me…Get In Your Car and Go See For Yourself…” (Videos) The MSM / legacy media / deadstream media / state run propaganda outlets are all losing what little credibility they had before the #TruckersConvoy that began in Canada. The lies, gas lighting and propaganda that is being spewed across the TV – with the exception of NewsMax and Fox News – is going to drive the handful of viewers away from their NPR, CBS, MSNBC and the like. The filth they are portraying is far from…


Secularization in Europe Going From Indifference to Active Hostility Towards Christianity

Secularization in Europe Going From Indifference to Active Hostility Towards Christianity As the satanic globalist continue losing their grip on the political landscape they continue lashing out at the one group that seems to have forgotten who they are and what they stand for. Christians around the world are being persecuted at an ever increasing pace. The middle east and African nations are still at the top of the list for the worst places in the world for Christians, but as we have seen over the past few years the…


Australian Media Places Blame For Pandemic On Fauci

Australian Media Places Blame For Pandemic On Fauci Rightfully so. He and his associates paid for the research, paid for the “gain of function” ( a fancy way of saying making a bomb) and then lied, lied some more and then lied before Congress and the world – under oath (which is called perjury) and is still the highest paid government employee (which means he works for us – we are his boss). We have warned, we have screamed, we have pleaded, we have reported, we have created videos, we…


It’s Time to Challenge ALL Trans Activist Who Can’t Even Define The Word “Woman”

It’s Time to Challenge ALL Trans Activist Who Can’t Even Define The Word “Woman” by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network If you degrade a person long enough they will buy what you’re selling. I have been under the belief that we are to cherish women, honor women and treat women, like God created women, equally, from the side of man, not from a foot bone or a back bone, but a rib bone – from the side of man, not under foot and from behind, but rather beside. Why…


Everybody Pays In A Lawless Society

Everybody Pays In A Lawless Society by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network In the days of the “wild west” when America was being birthed and people were moving from east to west, robberies and lawlessness were common. When you have opportunity, masses of people moving in unprotected herds there is going to be problems. People will take advantage of other helpless people. We are sinful, broken people and it is built-in. Those days, for the most part, ended about 100 years ago. Train robberies, hijacking and the like all…


For My Brother and All The Families That Have Lost Loved Ones To The Cruelty Of The Needle…

For My Brother and All The Families That Have Lost Loved Ones To The Cruelty Of The Needle… Not sure why God pulled me from the fire but let my brother perish. It is not for me to know. It is only for me to see God’s beauty in every situation. God teaches us with every step, with every breath and every heart of every day. Days when we lose a loved one is no different, He is still there. I miss my brother… some days more than others. Some…


What If Other Parents Stood Up?

What If Other Parents Stood Up? When we walk with God, we are fearless. Fearless means we have no fear of anything because we are not afraid of dying. We are no longer concerned with death. Death comes in many forms. We should die everyday and be born new every morning. God grants us new mercies every morning for a reason. We should utilize our New Mercies every morning to glorify, to praise and to honor the Power of God in our lives. We can do that by letting Him…