4 THINGS TO REMEMBER AFTER YOU HAVE SINNED by Adriel Sanchez for Core Christianity Have you ever felt like God turned his back on you because of your sin? Our failures, especially when they’re repeated, can leave us in a place of confusion. After we sin, we can begin to feel as if the light of God’s grace is no longer shining in our lives. Here are four things that God does when we have failed: 1. When we sin, God is advocating for us. An advocate is someone who…


Senseless Series of Sprees…

Senseless Series of Sprees… When people work with other people, in the sense of attempting to be a positive voice, a helping hand or a even a caretaker, it’s amazing how similar we humans actually are. The problems this person has or that person has are nothing more than a reflection of the problems we all share. Take for example a person that smokes cigarettes. Their “addiction”, or sin, is obvious to anyone and everyone around them. We all sin in some form, it’s just some sins are more obvious…


How Wise are You? (Podcast)

How Wise are You? Podcast by Pastor, David Platt for Radical Whether it’s the controversial cultural issues of our day or the basic truths about sin, salvation, and eternity, each of us has a choice to make: Will we trust the wisdom of man or will we trust the wisdom of God? In this message from David Platt on 1 Corinthians 2, the wisdom of men is contrasted with the wisdom that can only imparted by the Spirit of God. Regardless of how things may appear, it is those who…


The Broken, Weary and Forgiven

The Broken, Weary and Forgiven The quotes below are from Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as The Big Book. There are words stricken and replaced in an attempt to demonstrate how this book can introduce people to God, Jesus Chris and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. All the quotes are from the chapter, “The Doctors Opinion“. The point is, if we simply turn our vision ever so slightly we can see life, people and love completely different. Reinventing the wheel is totally unnecessary. In late 1934 I attended a patient who,…


Approaching Others

Approaching Others Two years ago our church taught a class on how to introduce people to Christ. A six week program designed to teach people how to approach others, open the door of conversation and give them a peek at ourselves as Christians. The class was great, very informative and helped tremendously in certain areas. Unfortunately, opening the door to meet others was not one of the areas it helped me. After spending many years in AA meetings and having the opportunity to discuss sin with people on a level…


Revelation 3 Step

Revelation 3 Step After months of attempting to quit drinking it finally happened. As has been explained on a number of occasions God placed a dream on my heart, reached down for me and now I’m alive. What happened next is explained quiet well in Revelation 18. The ego, false pride, that is one of the enemies greatest weapons, once it is exposed our vision begins to clear and what was once seen as worthy or valuable can be seen in it’s true light. When a person walks through the…



TRUE FRIENDS CONFRONT SIN by Adriel Sanchez for Core Christianity I used to know a dear brother who frequently made poor clothing choices. Too old to wear jeans with rind stones on the back pockets (I think they’re a poor choice regardless of age), but unaware of his fashion faux pa, he didn’t think twice. We all – his friends – knew he had a problem. We talked about it amongst ourselves, “What was up with those jeans?” and “Man, someone should help that guy out!” But we never got…


Forgiving of Sins

Forgiving of Sins Over the past several months the reading of the Bible has become more and more a part of who I am. It seems the more that is learned the more that I want to learn. I feel confident that I am not alone in this situation and probably most Christians, believers, have the same experience. While I have been living the Steps and principals of AA they have been a guiding force, however, they still fall short of understanding, practice and, above all, depth that a person…