THE SLAVERY OF THE FLESH by Dave Jenkins for Servants of Grace Galatians 4:8–11, “8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. 9 But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years! 11 I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain.” Forgetting the…


3 Dangers of (Merely) Messy Christianity

3 Dangers of (Merely) Messy Christianity by Jonathan J. Routley  for The Gospel Coalition There’s a recent trend in American Christianity to speak of spiritual life as messy. We’re sinful, broken people, this view argues, and even in our redeemed and reconciled condition we make mistakes that affect our and others’ lives. The messiness is pervasive, constant, and unrelenting. There’s no hope for the eradication of sin this side of Christ’s return, so the best we can do is embrace the mess and encourage one another to keep wading through…


“There is No Such Thing as Sin” (Podcast)

“There is No Such Thing as Sin” Podcast by J. Warner for Cold Case Christianity In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner offers a number of brief, rhetorically powerful responses to the objection: “There is No Such Thing as Sin.” Isn’t the concept of “sin” simply a matter of opinion? Why should I accept what Christianity says about “sin”? Isn’t “sin” just a notion leveraged by Christians to justify their need for a Savior? These Quick Shot responses are designed to help you remove intellectual obstacles when talking about…


Not Law But Grace Defines Our Future

Not Law But Grace Defines Our Future It seemed the only way God could get my attention was to place a dream upon my heart and in my mind. God had, literally, sent angels to rescue me, show me what mercy looked like and allowed me to turn away from it. Arrogance and ego are a terrible combination when you have no self esteem. Arrogance and ego are right there to drive the bus and do the bidding. How can anyone see anything when these two knuckleheads are at the…


How Is Brokenness Different from Sin? (Podcast)

How Is Brokenness Different from Sin? Podcast by Jeremy Treat • Erik Thoennes for The Gospel Coalition In some Christian contexts, it’s acceptable, even expected, to talk a lot about brokenness. But in some of those same spaces you might rarely hear the word “sin.” Are the two concepts interchangeable? In this conversation, Jeremy Treat and Eric Thoennes discuss the relationship between brokenness and sin. We need to talk about both, they say, but we must define our terms. Thoennes explains that sin is an offense against a holy God, whereas brokenness…


A Brief Study of Romans Day 2

A Brief Study of Romans Day 2 This cam about as a result of confusion within me. Having an understanding of the Gospel, Jesus Christ and not misspeaking when attempting to present the Gospel to a nonbeliever is a driving force in my life today. Romans 7 and 8 seem to be a important chapters to help anyone move a little a closer to Jesus Christ, understand the law of sin and the law of God while at the same time creating a sense  of grounding within the reader. We…