Stepping Back… Today is one of those days when you need a meeting, want a meeting but somehow manage to pile 47 different excuses in front of the door. Inexcusable but it happens. The past two weeks have been something of a roller coaster ride. What is happening over here pales in comparison to what is happening to a great many people in Middle Tennessee, including people who are loved very deeply. What they are going through pales in comparison to what someone in Somalia, Libya or Venezuela is going…
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The Power of Testimony (Video)
The Power of Testimony Video by Dr Michael Brown Video Source
READ MOREThe Thirsty Woman (Podcast)
The Thirsty Woman Podcast by Stories of the Master Jesus has left Jerusalem and is making His way north to Galilee. But instead of traveling on the east side of the Jordan River to avoid Samaria, He travels right through the province and at a well near the village of Sychar enters into a discussion with a Samaritan woman that would reveal the depths of her heart and change her life forever. Part 1 Part 2 The woman of Sychar has never talked with anyone like Jesus, and when their…
READ MOREWhy Science Cannot Explain the Origin of Life (Podcast)
Why Science Cannot Explain the Origin of Life Podacst An Interview with Dr. James Tour by Shane Morris for Break Point GNN Note – Is this what non-believers will never grasp about science? Excerpt from The Original Fake News When you think about science and God arguably the two most significant scientific discoveries in all of cosmology in the last 100 years points strongly to God. One, that the universe has a beginning. If it has a beginning then there had to be something that got it started. There had…
KEEP PRAYING; GOD HEARS AND ANSWERS Video by Pastor David Jeremiah Video Source
The RETURN of CHRISTENDOM! Video by Dr Steve Turkey Video Source
READ MOREThreading A Needle
Threading A Needle How many times have people attempted to thread a needle with a camel or jump across the Snake River Canyon on a motorcycle? What happened in these situations? Most Christians, and a lot of people in the secular community, are familiar with the story of the rich man asking about entering the Kingdom of Heaven and learning that it’s easier to thread a needle with a camel. Those that are a little older may remember Evil Knievel attempting to jump the Snake River Canyon on a motorcycle.…
BE STRONG, GOD IS ALWAYS WITH YOU Video by Pastor David Jeremiah Video Source
READ MOREA Russian Christian Couple with 7 Children Tell Their Inspiring Story
A Russian Christian Couple with 7 Children Tell Their Inspiring Story by Anna Berseneva-Shankevich for Russia-Insider A refreshing glimpse into a thriving modern Christian family The Nagornov family Parents: Andrei Viktorovich, fifty-four, a Hermitage Theater actor; Tatiana Ivanovna, forty-four, a primary school teacher. They have been married for twenty years. Their children: Ivan, nineteen, a second-year student of Moscow State Pedagogical University (the Chemestry Department); Maria, sixteen, an eleventh grader; Daria, fourteen, an eighth grader; Gabriel, eleven, a fifth grader; Nina, eight, a second grader; Nadezhda, six; Viktor, three. Andrei…