It Comes Down To Love It stands to reason, from my perspective, that having been “formally” introduced to Jesus Christ through AA, that I would reference AA a lot. Having been given my life back through faith, the blood of our Savior and mercy of our God, walking through the biblical steps as described in AA the door opened and the Holy Spirit flooded my life. I would encourage everyone to go through the steps, if you dare. Simple, but not easy. Being honest with ones self is, in every…
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Embracing Humility
Embracing Humility When a person admits they are powerless and must have God intervene in their life for one reason or another this request should come from a place of humility. Being humble enough to admit defeat in the face of an adversary should knock a person off their “high-horse” but then to actually need to get down from the “high-horse”, well, that’s a whole other level of defeat. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable. Came to believe that a Power greater…
READ MOREDeath in the Flesh
Death in the Flesh When I was out running around drinking, drugging and doing all the other things associated with such debauchery, it was easy to get caught up in the good times and believe everyone around was a friend and we loved one another and looked out for one another. Well, turns out, nothing could have been further from the truth. It was all nothing more than idle nonsense. Since coming home to Jesus Christ there are, literally, four people that remain in my life that actually care about…
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Prayer For Others The power of prayer is real. Peter teaches us why prayer works and why Jesus Christ answers prayers. Sometimes, as many of you know, the answer can be “no” or “not now”. This is to say there is no immediate response to prayer. Praying for others prosperity, health and well being showers their lives with all the goodness of Gods will. As we pray for these things for others God listens and showers the lives of others with the hope of His goodness, the love of Jesus…
Overseer Push back. I always want to push back against ideas I reject, especially those which come from authority! Seeing situations the way I want to see them kept me in trouble and will get me in trouble to this day. Submitting to my humility and just being makes things a lot easier. Not necessarily easier for me, but easier overall. It is in my bull-headness that I lose sight of Jesus Christ. It is when I feel I am in charge and know something that I actually do not…
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A Simple Thought In AA it is taught over and over that until one gets a grip on their life and clears their heart and head they should act “as if”. “As if” all is well and begin the process of retraining ones thoughts towards the positive and away from those thoughts that bought a seat in an AA meeting!! When attempting to fill a “God sized hole” with anything other than God, well, there is usually a problem with that equation – it doesn’t add up. The hole remains…
New Life Tuesday October 8, 2002 I walked into my first AA meeting to declare before someone that I had a problem and needed help. My life was a disaster. Sunday December 8, 2002 I “came to” for the last time and Jesus Christ had finally gotten ahold of me. Or I finally surrendered in earnest and removed myself from the picture. This was the first time in my life that I understood, completely, how hopeless and how little control I had over my life. Something outside of me was…
READ MORESeeing Miracles…
Seeing Miracles… While I was still crazy and attempting to live without God I don’t believe I ever turned to Jesus and mocked Him. I may have, and time has erased the memory, but I have searched on a number of occasions and come up empty every time. I pray that I never reviled Jesus Christ but if I did, I pray for forgiveness and turn to Jesus Christ to make my amends. Just before my life changed, God through the Holy Spirit, sent a number of angels to me…
READ MOREA Crowing Rooster
A Crowing Rooster Having lots of experience in denying Jesus, I can say with confidence, it hurts deep down in a part of the soul that can not be seen with the eye, nor X-ray and not even an MRI. No, it lives in the same place as our “worship basket” lives. Having changed my life a few years ago and making attempts at getting closer to God denying Jesus is no longer part of my routine. It seems I find myself proclaiming Him as King of Kings more often…
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Keeping Watch Being on the lookout means we must act a certain way. Keep quiet, keep still and not be found out by our adversaries. We also keep watch over ourselves to ensure our mind doesn’t take over and begin passing out orders we would rather not follow. The enemy loves to get in our mind, plant seeds and watch the chaos of his work unfold. The Holy Spirit fills us as our Lord and King watches over us. Jesus reminds us that He is watching over us, but Jesus…