Low Level Somedays are more difficult to find the keyboard, while other days fingers can not get type fast enough. Today is the former. After a long night at the Rescue Mission and working with several of the guys it was a short night of rest and back at it this morning long before daylight. It is now mid afternoon and God is calling me deeper and deeper. Faith grows strong when time is spent with the Father. Love grows deep when the Holy Spirit flows through us and truth…
READ MORECategory: Daily Devotional
He Who Loves God…
He Who Loves God… This week has been really awesome for bible study. Being focused on I John (NKJV) as the repetitive nature of the chapters works really well as it drives home the teachings we need to understand. The Book of James is really good at this as well, but it seems that John may have James beat!! The next time someone puts an argument to attending church it may be helpful to find out if they like love. If they do, and most people really like the idea…
READ MOREBy the Spirit
By the Spirit Two main commandments from God – love the Son of God, Jesus Christ and love one another. Acceptance is not approval. While I love everyone and accept everyone as a child of God, this does not mean that I approve of everyone’s lifestyle and life choices. These two are not synonymous. If I am wrong, then I am wrong in the eyes of God. Each week some ten+ hours are spent in service to others. This doesn’t include capturing these words that are made manifest through time…
READ MOREAbides in Him
Abides in Him Having a log in my eye clouds my vision as to only see the speck in your eye. We are taught, over and over, to look inwards, look at ourselves instead of looking at others. Clean our sins and the sins of others will take of themselves. We are taught, over and over, to love others as we love the Father and the Son of God. Do we, is the real question. Giving of ourselves to others is one way we can show love and concern for…
READ MOREForgiving of Sins
Forgiving of Sins Over the past several months the reading of the Bible has become more and more a part of who I am. It seems the more that is learned the more that I want to learn. I feel confident that I am not alone in this situation and probably most Christians, believers, have the same experience. While I have been living the Steps and principals of AA they have been a guiding force, however, they still fall short of understanding, practice and, above all, depth that a person…
READ MOREFruit Or Fire
Fruit Or Fire It is when we accept Jesus that all is possible, all is available and all becomes known. Jesus promises’ us, multiple times, that if we come to Him and ask nothing will be denied. It is the way we as that trips us. “Fox hole prayers” are rarely answered as their is no seeking, only demanding – “if you do this for me, I will do that for you” – it is quiet clear this approach doesn’t really work for Jesus doesn’t take orders. John 15:5 (CSB)…
READ MORESecular / Biblical / Apologist
Secular / Biblical / Apologist Do we live by mans laws, God’s teachings or a blend of the two? Do we live by mans law alone or follow Christ Jesus alone? How do you live? This is an important question for today, yesterday and for all eternity. We must answer this question at some point in our life, even if it is at the very last breath of our life. This question plays a part in how we live and, for believers, after we depart this vessel for the Spirit.…
READ MORE“The Father Who Dwells In Me Does The Works”
“The Father Who Dwells In Me Does The Works” When first hearing the word “works” it seemed like such an odd way of using a word that all of us use on a regular basis. The original publishing company for the book Alcoholics Anonymous was called The Works Publishing Company. It took a minute to understand why this name was used. Our Father wants us to be near Him and He wants us to have that desire within. Once the desire reveals itself it is as if a faucet has…
READ MOREBeing of Service
Being of Service A few short weeks ago several we began serving others at Nashville Rescue Mission. Our service has escalated very quickly in that we have gone from a couple of people serving in a limited capacity to several people serving in a multitude of ways. It seems that once a path is illuminated by the Holy Spirit things can move rather quickly. Christ teaches us to always serve others and He delivers a “new commandment” just before His hour arrives. In John 13:34 (NKJV) A new commandment I…
READ MOREOpen The Heavens…
Open The Heavens… The past several days there has been a darkness cast over my heart that has clouded my vision, saddened my soul while at the same time opened the Heavens revealing the beauty inside. Not the beauty inside me, for there is none, but the real beauty that lies within our Lord and Master, Christ Jesus. Over the years a couple of different people have taught me that God speaks through people. Wether this is fact or not I can not say. What I can say, with confidence,…