Justice To The Defenseless This past weekend was a little different than most. My wife has been really sick for several days and sleeping for close to 3 days straight – more than 60 hours of continuous sleep. To say that it was a little unsettling would be a massive understatement. When God decides it’s time we pay attention do we listen, do we have to listen, do we have a choice in the matter? If it’s God’s decision, and He is sovereign, then, from my perspective we must listen…
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Isiah and Paul
Isiah and Paul Now that the winds have calmed and life is getting back to normal picking up with Isiah, and spending time studying the longest book in the Bible, the picture that Paul paints throughout Romans, but especially in chapter 7, becomes all to clear. During our study of Romans the appreciation for Paul grew to the point of hero status. Paul seems to echo Isiah and harken back to what Isiah prophesied so many years before. The depth of teachings that Paul brings to the table is rivaled…
READ MORETo Whom Will You Flee?
To Whom Will You Flee? There were horrific stories of human trafficking, organ harvesting and sex trade, all in the light of day. The days leading up to a declaration for the need of nothing less than the Armor of God were filled with tears, a mind swirling in a sand storm of hate and self-loathing, a flow of, seemingly, never ending tears. The enemy prowled as a lion and attacked at will. It felt as if there was no protection, there was no Father to shield the blows and…
READ MOREThe Broken, Weary and Forgiven
The Broken, Weary and Forgiven The quotes below are from Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as The Big Book. There are words stricken and replaced in an attempt to demonstrate how this book can introduce people to God, Jesus Chris and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. All the quotes are from the chapter, “The Doctors Opinion“. The point is, if we simply turn our vision ever so slightly we can see life, people and love completely different. Reinventing the wheel is totally unnecessary. In late 1934 I attended a patient who,…
READ MOREApproaching Others
Approaching Others Two years ago our church taught a class on how to introduce people to Christ. A six week program designed to teach people how to approach others, open the door of conversation and give them a peek at ourselves as Christians. The class was great, very informative and helped tremendously in certain areas. Unfortunately, opening the door to meet others was not one of the areas it helped me. After spending many years in AA meetings and having the opportunity to discuss sin with people on a level…
READ MOREAnswer When Called?
Answer When Called? How many times should the Lord call upon us before we actually listen and, more importantly, respond? How many times will He call upon us as we ignore His call, His plea for obedience? If you have been following along you know the Lord reached out many, many times before the door was opened and the heart softened. Unlike people, God is far more patient and understanding than we could ever be. We go about our day and never once thinking of Him, asking for His guidance…
READ MOREVision From The Past
Vision From The Past There has been lots of commentary, including myself, about the Super Bowl show this past Sunday. It’s nothing new and nothing that has been happening for the past two decades or more. I think that fact that it was during the Super Bowl is what moved people to comment on mass. As our world continues to crumble around us we must ask ourselves – who’s in charge? If network executives, non-representatives people in government or others in this world, then Jesus Christ is not in charge.…
READ MOREWith All Our Heart, Mind and Soul
With All Our Heart, Mind and Soul When we claim to be Christians this is the greatest of all commandments. Matthew 22 KJV 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. How often during the day I turn my back on this simple request? How often during the day…
READ MORESacrifice and Ransom
Sacrifice and Ransom To whom do you answer? The past couple of weeks have been a roller-coaster of highs, bigger highs, let downs and one crash landing. Being slow to learn and quick to forget is a problem that most of us suffer. We want what we want, but we aren’t willing to put in the time, effort and dedicated resources to make it happen. This is what gets me in trouble. When I forget, or better still, lose sight of my role in this “foreign land” is when everything…
READ MORESpreading the Wealth
Spreading the Wealth The deeper the dive the richer the reward. For more than two weeks I have been studying Matthew 25 with a couple of forays into Matthew 24, Matthew 20 and Revelation 20. It has been an adventure of love, light and learning that is bringing me closer to Jesus Christ with each passing day. The changes within me that have been occurring the past two weeks are nothing short of joyous. The table has been set for some time and it seems our Father has been guiding…