Taking Another Step… As we awaken at the dawn of a new day will we be refreshed with the Holy Spirit or will we dwell in the mire as before? For the past several weeks the flood information that has engulfed the pen is like no other time seen over the past decade. The rush to get another morsel of information has been overwhelming. The demon seed was planted and took root. The deceivers have been as plentiful as vultures on a rotting carcass. The reaction swift, the response frightful…
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A Christian Perspective…
Coronavirus: A Christian Perspective… We are being bombarded with news surrounding coronavirus. After spending close to ten years in the news business it is safe to say there has never been a news story quiet like this one. One of the major problems with the story is the fact that it is filled with hysteria, hyperbole and the worst of them all – LIES. Plenty of misinformation, theories and blatant lies to last a life time. How does the Christian community respond? How does the individual Christian respond to real…
READ MOREWhy Do We Wait…
Why Do We Wait… Hitting rock bottom allows us to experience God in all His glory; so, why do we wait? When disaster comes into our lives is when we can see God in the Light He created that allows us to see Him. Why not bathe in that Light all the time instead of on occasion or once / twice in a lifetime or perhaps on Roman’s Road? Why not today, right now in this moment invite God to open our eyes, soften our heart and unleash His power…
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What Do You Hear… When the trumpet sounds, what do you hear? The drum goes *boom* what do you hear? When the world falls silent what do you hear? In the days before electricity and motorized anything the world was fairly quiet. If a person stepped away, say 10 minutes, from a “city”, town or any place where commerce was being conducted, it seems like the world would be as quiet as quiet could be. One could probably hear their own heartbeat with little effort. It’s hard to imagine what…
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What Do You See… When you look at the world, what do you see? Having spent many years living a life of sin and reeking havoc with every step, the world today looks a lot different than a few years past. There was a moment during the twenty-five year reign of terror where the still-small-voice was actually able to break through the noise and make His presence known. It was short lived and once it was drowned out the noise increased, the destruction went exponential and the people surrounding this…
READ MOREWhen Stone is Bone
When Stone is Bone Rocks and concrete are not human bone. What if we look at them as bone for just a moment, what would see? When a persons life begins spinning out of control and are awash in sin what is happening? Their “temple” built by God is under attack. It is impossible to “love God with all your heart, mind and soul” if they have been handed over to the enemy, the great deceiver, the liar king and we set in motion “the beginnings of sorrows” Are we…
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Threading A Needle How many times have people attempted to thread a needle with a camel or jump across the Snake River Canyon on a motorcycle? What happened in these situations? Most Christians, and a lot of people in the secular community, are familiar with the story of the rich man asking about entering the Kingdom of Heaven and learning that it’s easier to thread a needle with a camel. Those that are a little older may remember Evil Knievel attempting to jump the Snake River Canyon on a motorcycle.…
READ MOREDashed To Pieces
Dashed To Pieces As our sin grows our lives become unmanageable by allowing the sin to become our master. The sin looks different to all people but it is still the same under the hood. Behind the mask of a smile resides the pain of someone separated from God. The list of carnal sins is many and the wretched man that I am is the same wretched man as everyone else. We are all the same in God’s eyes. Isiah (chapter 13) sees something that we see today, but he…
READ MORELaying the Foundation
Laying the Foundation When we close our eyes, get really still and allow the quiet to roll over us what do we see, what do we hear? There was a time when getting quiet was the main priority of the day. It was a time set aside for the specific purpose of getting closer to God and to allow His kingdom, His grace and His forgiveness to wash over the entirety of the body, mind and soul. It was an amazing time when words would materialize that were not spoken…
READ MORETrusting A Power Greater Than Ourselves
Trusting A Power Greater Than Ourselves All sinners have the same problem and this problem is now encouraged to the point of having a decade – a full ten years – all of it’s own. It is called the decade of the selfie. Humans so obsessed with themselves they couldn’t stop taking photos of how beautiful, unique and superior they are to everything and everyone around them. What good is a graven image of ones self if they couldn’t share with as many people as possible? Well, social media will…