What Would I Be Doing…

What Would I Be Doing… Fear, F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real), is one of the most used words in the Holy Bible. It is one of the greatest weapons used against people all throughout history. Beginning in early 2020 the world was dealt a massive dose of F.E.A.R. and the residual effects are still reverberating around the world to this day. Why? Because people love to live in F.E.A.R.. I’m not sure why. Horror movies, before the plandemic, were one of the few genres of movie still attracting people to…


Meeting God…

Meeting God… Do we need to schedule an appointment to meet God? What is the challenge we face in our attempts at meeting God? What is blocking us from God? God is with us all the time… He will never forsake us, He will never leave us and He is leading us by being in front of us, behind us, beside us and, most importantly, inside us. We, on the other hand, will turn away from God quicker than lightning and not even think about it. Let your conduct be…


Some Worshiped, Some Doubted…

Some Worshiped, Some Doubted… Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. ~Matthew 28:16-17 NKJB Is asking Jesus a “why” question the same as saying “no”? If we ask Jesus, in prayer, something like “why did “X” happen (or not happen)?” are we not actually starting off from a stance of unbelief? Most every time, if not every single time, a person ask a “why” based question it is drenched in…


Dreams, Visions and Imagination…

Dreams, Visions and Imagination… Would any aspect of our world ever change if we didn’t dream, receive visions and possess one of the greatest gifts from God, imagination? You were born to dream. Everybody. We never reach our potential apart from the capacity for dreaming. So, God’s goodness is actually displayed through your ability to dream big.~Pastor Bill Johnson, Bethel Church It has been dreams, visions and imagination that God burned into the hearts and minds of many people throughout history that changed the world. What new idea, gadget or…


Three Verses Change Everything…

Three Verses Change Everything… While at a Step Study meeting last night it became clear there are three verses that change everything. Seriously, everything hinges on these verses. Your life is about change based on what God says, not what you read here, but what God says. If these verses don’t light a fire of change in you…well…not sure what will. When we pray it is not uncommon for people to “seek” the answer to a “why” question. Something like this – “Jesus, why are my parents getting a divorce?” …


Launch Out Into The Deep…

Launch Out Into The Deep… What do we see when words on a page appear different than written? Does another image, in our mind, appear than the one we have been told to see? When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” ~Luke 5:4 NKJB Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. ~Luke 5:4 KJB One word can change everything.…


Sick, Blind, Lame…Learning Trust

Sick, Blind, Lame…Learning Trust For 25+ years walking around dead inside – sick, blind and lame. If you’re familiar with the TV show The Walking Dead, well, how many of us are a “walker”? How many of us are laying by the Sheep Gate, frozen in fear, shame and guilt? What is the difference between the two? The biggest difference is one smells really bad – which one smells really bad is up to the individual coming in contact with themselves to decide. Being dead inside is no different than…


It’s Your Breath…

It’s Your Breath… It’s Your breath in our lungs So, we pour out our praise to You only It’s Your breath… Great Are You Lord by All Sons and Daughters We breathe in the Word of God and the Holy Spirit fills us, walks with us and guides our day. The gifts from God are abundant and rich, as long as we see them. How often does one stop in their day to thank God for the very breathe in their lungs? All of us have the ability to prophesize…


The Greatest Tool…

The Greatest Tool… Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, For we also forgive everyone who is indebted…


Silence The Demonic Noises…

Silence The Demonic Noises… Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons that God has given us. The ability to hear His voice above all the noise and know that He is God. That still small voice needs room, needs quiet to be heard. The enemy, the devil, has been attacking us since Adam and Eve. The devil is well trained in teaching us what losers we are, how we are unworthy and constantly attempts to speak louder than God. Pray him away. Rebuke the devils voice, “the strangers” voice…