He Went Out Into A Mountain To Pray… Do we need to remove ourselves from all that is happening around us, during our day, when we need to pray? Did Jesus not remove Himself from everything and everyone in order to draw nearer to the Father? Yes, yes He did every single time He prayed. We all have our time of day when we can breakaway from all others, to find quiet to hear the still small voice. We need to make it a priority to do so every day.…
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Holding Forth The Word of Life…
Holding Forth The Word of Life… As we mature in our Christ identity, come to understand our role, our path and His will in our life, we should put aside our ill-will for others, our foul mouth and our murmurs and grumblings about any situation we find ourselves. We should rejoice, always, in all situations as a Light of the World as we carry the Word of God with each step we take, with each breath we breathe and with every interaction with our brothers and sisters in Christ. When…
READ MOREAt The Sound Of Your Cry…
At The Sound Of Your Cry… We happily give our time and resources to people and situations that are not sanctified by the Lord. We place ourselves in impossible positions and wonder what went wrong when we did not seek the guidance of our Savior prior to putting ourselves in a situation that is less than ideal. We do it time and again. We continue to do it until we turn it around, pray, seek, ask and knock prior to doing anything. “Woe to the rebellious children,” declares the Lord,…
READ MOREYour Eyes Have Seen My Unformed Substance…
Your Eyes Have Seen My Unformed Substance… As we continue to journey with Jesus Christ, God Almighty and feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit our soul heals a little more day after day. If we turn away from from our God and then come back to our senses, Jesus Christ once again finds us, brings us back to the flock and our journey will continue. Our lives are more than we know. Our hearts love bigger than we can understand. Our soul lives in deeper places with God than…
READ MOREI Forgive Him…
I Forgive Him… What is the mark of a great man? How does a person move from being a person who cares to a person of greatness? Actions, words, deeds or would it be humility, servitude and charity? If one person comes before another and ask assistance, if our physical ability allows it, shouldn’t we happily help? What if they ask, beg forgiveness of a debt, a wrong-doing against us, theft of property or worse, the taking of the life of one of our family? Then came Peter to him,…
READ MOREPresent Your Bodies A Living Sacrifice…
Present Your Bodies A Living Sacrifice… If we make our bodies a living sacrifice to God we are, in fact, giving up all rights to our body. We are turning our physical body over to Jesus Christ for Him to do as He wishes. If it is by the mercy of God this sacrifice is acceptable we can transform our lives by the renewing of our mind. As we renew our mind, with our thoughts and actions towards God alone, we will prove that God’s will is the way for…
READ MOREThe Whole Multitude Stood On The Shore…
The Whole Multitude Stood On The Shore… Can we reach Jesus Christ? Can we come close, come in contact with Him? The “multitudes” can not. The “masses” do not know Him and, more importantly, He does not know them. The “great multitudes” have no identity. They are not known to the King of kings and the “masses” can not reach Him. And great multitudes were gathered together to Him, so that He got into a boat and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore. ~ Matthew 13:2 NKJB…
READ MOREAnd Found As He Had Said Unto Them…
And Found As He Had Said Unto Them… When Jesus Christ speaks directly to us, do we listen and respond? We should. When we go into our quiet space, quiet time or prayer room, whatever is set aside for prayer, and we hear His voice we should respond, with action, immediately. And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. ~ Mark 14:13 KJB And his disciples went…
READ MOREHaving Done All, To Stand…
Having Done All, To Stand… God Almighty, Heavenly Father strengthen us that we may stand firm in Your Love. That we may stand firm in the face of our enemies and in the face of Your Light. Father, strengthen us that we may see You in aspects of our life. Let the Whole Armor of God be our fortress against all evil. Let the Light of Your love shine through our hearts, shine through our souls, shine through our mind and shine through our strength found in You. Let it…
READ MORETake Heed and Beware of Covetousness…
Take Heed and Beware of Covetousness… Where does our abundance come from? Is it found in our possessions, in our home, in our family in our bank account or is it found elsewhere? When we find ourselves in need what is it that is usually missing from our lives? A cup of sugar, a cup of flour, a TV, a car, a home or is it something completely different? And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of…