He Shall Build A House For My Name…

He Shall Build A House For My Name… Do we always see or experience the great blessings God intends for our life? Does the Lord God always fulfill the promises He’s made to each of us? There is beauty in all of Gods works and everything done on this earth is a work of God – everything. This is includes, but is not limited to, our addiction, our sin, our triumphs and the great works of art and architecture. God’s beauty is in everything. We just have to seek, ask…


Grant Me The Place…

Grant Me The Place… When we sin against God – that is, turn our back to God – should our family, friends and community be punished for our inequities, our trespasses? What sin has our family, friends and community committed? While our lives are being driven by our compulsive, addictive behaviors is it not ourselves that are making the decisions about next steps in our lives? We feel we no longer need God’s direction, we no longer need God’s advice, God’s wisdom nor any need to follow His will because…


No, But I Will Surely Buy It For A Price…

No, But I Will Surely Buy It For A Price… Other people can see the Lord moving through our lives before our eyes see any change. We make our repentance before God, before community and immediately the Lord begins making changes in our lives. Most of which we are unaware. We recognize our sins, our trespasses against God, and God alone, so that we can clean our heart, clean our soul and make way for the King of kings to take His rightful place, at the forefront of our lives.…


Be Clothed With Humility…

Be Clothed With Humility… A fatherless nation has no direction. A fatherless nation shows no respect, knows not humility and only fears death while having no concept regarding fear of the Lord. Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” ~ 1 Peter 5:6 NKJB Those who made it through a misspent youth, but managed to come Home to the Lord, already know the…


Fervent Charity Among Yourselves…

Fervent Charity Among Yourselves… As we draw nearer to Jesus Christ in our daily walk all the things – music, friends, family and activities – that used to mean so much to us, seem to fall away. We are, by no means, losing anything, but are filling the space and time with other music, friends, family and activities that were previously unknown. Also, we are finding His strength, His Power and His Mind leading us more and more, deeper and deeper into the Light. For the time past of our…


Being Heirs Together…

Being Heirs Together… When is it okay to fight or to bring arms against another? When has Jesus Christ approved violence towards our brothers, sisters, wives or husbands? Jesus became violent towards the money-changers outside the Temple during the Sabbath. The money-changers, today we call them bankers, were exchanging one coin for another coin in order that trade could be completed. This was happening outside the Temple door and Jesus, rightly, destroyed the place. People that any respect for money-changers, especially in the House of the Lord, well… good luck…


When You Do Good and Suffer…

When You Do Good and Suffer… When someone mistreats us in our righteous endeavors, should we retreat, retaliate or bemoan our situation? Or…or should we simply give praise to God and continue with our good works for others to witness? What should we do when someone mistreats us in our unrighteous ways? For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God. For to this you…


The Glory That Should Follow…

The Glory That Should Follow… When we humble ourselves we can hear all manner of things that were, things that are and things to yet to be. When we humble ourselves we will bow down before Jesus Christ and study the Bible to know what we need to apply to our lives to draw nearer, to replicate and better understand our Christ identity. When we humble ourselves… Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: searching what, or…


Who Is The Image Of God…

Who Is The Image Of God… How many people have their own vision of Jesus Christ? Not what the European Renaissance painters told us what Jesus looks like, but our personal image of Jesus Christ. If a person doesn’t have their own image of Christ can there be a relationship with Him? All the atheist are laughing right now as they would say we are discussing an “imaginary friend”. Not sure how that’s a problem, but okay. When we were children our imagination was fuel for all kinds of great…


Commanded Light To Shine Out of Darkness…

Commanded Light To Shine Out of Darkness… When we speak of Jesus Christ and the Word of God are these two not the same? Is the Word of God Jesus Christ? Yes, yes Jesus is the Word of God. The Word of God is not a book. The Word of God is not a “thing” it is Jesus Christ, E(I)mmanuel, God with us. When we discuss Jesus we are discussing the invisible God. When we are in the presence of Jesus, we are in the presence of the invisible God.…