What Is Seen Is Not Made Out if Things Which Are Visible…

What Is Seen Is Not Made Out if Things Which Are Visible… Good morning Mighty Soldier of Faith. May the Lord, our God, bless and keep you and your family in this day and all the days to come. Father God, it is well with my soul that all days are spent honoring and glorifying Your name. As we place Your name over our lives, we thank You, Father God, for having the desire to bring Heaven down allowing us a glimpse of what You have in store for us.…


Singing Hymns To God…

Singing Hymns To God… Good morning Great Missionary of the Gospels. May the Lord show favor to you and your family in this day and all the days to come. Father God, it is a humble heart and on bended knee that we come before You, our Lord and Savior, to sing Your praises, to lift Your name like a banner over the whole of the earth. Father God, it is the renewing of our mercies that make a shout in our heart and cry in our soul to know…


Teachers – CRT and Just Plain Unfit

Teachers – CRT and Just Plain Unfit How did we get here? Did it begin in the last year, the last decade, two decades ago, three decades ago…how about seven decades ago. These communist have been moving through the system year after year after year. All the while people like myself have been called “conspiracy theorist”, “tin foil hatter” or simply called crazy. Well, are we theorist or are we just questioning what should / needs to be questioned? It was 1946 and this lost educational film on despotism was…


We Do Not War According to the Flesh…

We Do Not War According to the Flesh… Good morning Obedient Bondservant of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He that is Mighty in His Word, is Mighty indeed. You, my Brother in Christ, are Mighty, Patient and Obedient. Father God, it is with a humble heart that we bow before You. As our hands are lifted in reverence to You, all praise for bringing Heaven to earth. Your name, Father God, is lifted like a banner over our lives and over all the world. It is by the transformation of our…


Comparing Spiritual Things with Spiritual…

Comparing Spiritual Things with Spiritual… Good morning Bondservant of the Holy One, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Father God, let us come before You not as a tyrannical child, but as a humble servant in need of Your healing touch. Father God, it is Your name that has all Power. It is Your Word that provides the strength for our bones in this day. It is by Your mercies, Father God, made new each morning, that shower our lives with grace and forgiveness. Father God, as we bow before…


Conflict of Interest…

Conflict of Interest… Legacy media is struggling right now. They shot themselves in the foot over the past 30 years and, since that didn’t really work, they opted for a larger bazooka over the past 5-6 years. The volume of blatant lies, the rice-paper thin propaganda and sloppy, sloppy nonsense they attempt to pass off as “journalism” by “journalist” is mind numbing. No one with an IQ over 70 believes anything these people put on a TV screen, on the internet or a billboard. When someone has to tell you…


True Light Is Already Shining…

True Light Is Already Shining… Good morning Mighty Bondservant of the Lord. Father God, as we lift Your name over all of our life, we lift it like a banner over the whole of the earth, we praise You for the Light. We sing of Your glory for bringing the Light of the World and shining Your Light through our hearts to spread Your Light in dark places. Father God, it is by Your Hand that we are lifted up and held in the bosom of Your Strength and Power.…


Control The Currency…Control Everything, Everyone

Control The Currency…Control Everything, Everyone by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Several years ago we penned a piece regarding the Federal Reserve and, more specifically, the corruption of the United States currency by way of the Federal Reserve Note (FRN). The FRN is owned, yes owned, by the Federal Reserve, which is a private – yes, private – corporation. It is not, just like the CDC, it is not – IT IS NOT – a government agency. It is not – IT IS NOT – owned by the people…


From 100% to under 50% in Just a Few Months…

From 100% to 3% in Just a Few Months… Fau-Chi and the other satanic globalist that have been pushing this DNA altering injection for the past year+ are beginning to see the fruit of their labor rot on the vein. People are awakening to this nightmare and a lot of those who have taken the injection are not happy about what has happened. Why would a person take a medication who’s effectiveness diminishes, actually falls like a rock from the sky? If you’re blood pressure medication, diabetes medication, antidepressant worked…


All Praise to You, the Most High

All Praise to You, the Most High Good morning Bright Star shining with the Love of God. Father God, we praise You. We thank You, Father, for bringing Heaven to earth that we may see a fleeting glimpse of the many mansions You have prepared. Father God, it was You that loved us first and we who give You all honor and glory. We raise Your name over our lives and shout Your name from the roof tops. We love You, Father, for it is Your Word that fills our…