Modern Art…What We Are Told It Is and What It Actually Is

Modern Art…What We Are Told It Is and What It Actually Is Every time progressives touch something it turns to mud, or worse. Families, ruined…welfare system…society, ruined…welfare system…hollywood, ruined…perverts and pedophiles…literature, ruined…satanic perverts and pedophiles…music, ruined…satanic perverts and pedophiles…art, ruined..satanic perverts and pedophiles….schools, ruined…teachers unions…government, ruined…government unions. All of the beauty that once was, has been turned to ruin by people pushing ideas that remove God from the equation. Once God is removed…well, you see the results. What we are told modern art is… It looks to me like…”clean up…


Are You Ready For Full Scale War With Russia?

Are You Ready For Full Scale War With Russia? If you listen to the phone call that was capture between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt you will come to realize how dangerous the people behind scenes have become. Back in the mid 1950’s, then, President Eisenhower warned us about these very, very evil people becoming a problem. He nailed it. Victoria Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt and John Kerry are the reason Ukraine was invaded in the early / mid 2010’s, the reason Hunter Biden made millions upon millions in corrupt funds…


Why Are These People So Desperate To Inject EVERYONE? – Leave No Arm Unmarred

Why Are These People So Desperate To Inject EVERYONE? – Leave No Arm Unmarred Is this not a simple question that everyone should be asking? What is the point of forcing everyone – I mean 100% – to take a injection that has 55 years to reach a conclusion on wether it’s safe, effective or necessary? 55 years!! Now these satanic-globalist, aided by their salesmen on TV, are doing anything and everything to make sure this poison is in as many bodies as possible as quickly as possible – Why?…


Release The Videos

The democrats, specifically corrupt-to-the-core Nancy Pelosi, are withholding more than 1,000 hours of surveillance videos from the Capital Building on January 6th, 2021 – you know, the infamous “insurrection”. If it was as bad as the democrats claim why wouldn’t they want us to see crimes? They sure wanted us to see cities burning to the ground, cold-blooded murder in the streets and criminals setting up the “CHOP” in downtown Seattle. However, when it comes to the “crimes” committed on the “darkest day in American history” well, those crimes we…


Predators On TV Telling You What Is Real and What Is Fake…

Predators On TV Telling You What Is Real and What Is Fake… These are all sexual predators in one form or another. If you don’t think so, why haven’t I been sued for defamation? They can’t because during the discovery phase the situations listed below would, once again, be brought front and center. If these people can’t be trusted to treat people like they matter, then how are we suppose to believe anything they say? Have they repented of their sins? Have they begged forgiveness during one of the appearances…


Hearts May Be Encouraged…

Hearts May Be Encouraged… Father God, Holy One of All. We come before You, God Almighty, in boldness to lift the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, over our lives like a banner for all the world to see. We thank You, God Almighty, for renewing our mercies every morning. It is because of You and Your unending love for us that we have breath in our lungs, vision in our eyes and a beating rhythm in our heart. You, Father God, are the Great, I Am. Father God, as…


Fauci Lying About Testing “Everybody Coming Into The Country”…

Fauci Lying About Testing “Everybody Coming Into The Country”… This man is a disgrace on so many levels I’m embarrassed for him. Since he has no shame, only an immense thirst for more power, he would say anything that would keep the people off balance. With relative ease he lies right to the camera about who is being tested and then makes some snide remark “as you know” – Who knows what circumstances Fauci is referencing? There are no circumstances – the people streaming into our country across the southern…


It’s Not A “Concentration Camp”…It’s A Military Protected Internment Camp You’re Not Allowed To Leave

It’s Not A “Concentration Camp”…It’s A Military Protected Internment Camp You’re Not Allowed To Leave It’s a “camp” run by the state. If you try to leave it’s called an “escape”. You arrive by way of military delivery. If you do “escape” there will be a nation wide manhunt – already happened – but it’s not a “concentration camp”. Oh, there is no jury, there is no trial you are forced, but it’s not like “force”, it’s a different kind of voluntary, yeah, voluntary commitment made by the person being…


“Caged Birds Think Flying Is An Illness”…

“Caged Birds Think Flying Is An Illness”… Tweet — Willem Middelkoop (@wmiddelkoop) December 2, 2021 Here is the saint herself, Nancy Pelosi, telling you the SCOTUS is about to ruin Roe v Wade – you know, the illegitimate law protecting the murder of children – yeah, Nancy is screaming about healthcare or some nonsense that has nothing to do with killing children. All-the-while she will be happy to tell you just how Catholic she is, you know, in her heart and all like that. Maybe she just needs another…


All The Pretty Girls Go To Camp…

All The Pretty Girls Go To Camp… — Rothmus 🏴 (@Rothmus) December 1, 2021 These people are sick. The ad campaign for the “pandemic” uses pretty, young, smiling girls to sell you a concentration camp!!! No jab – go to camp!! “Think they’ll fall for it?” 2/6 — Leo Biddle (@biddle_leo) December 1, 2021 “Doesn’t look too bad to me; can’t see what all the fuss is about” 4/6 — Leo Biddle (@biddle_leo) December 1, 2021 “Suckers!” 6/6 — Leo Biddle (@biddle_leo) December 1, 2021 I…