Pew: Sunday Regulars Are Happier and Healthier by KATE SHELLNUTT – Christianity Today GNN Note – Whoda thought! Getting closer to God, being more involved with your community and having a little quiet time on an ongoing regular basis would improve your health! huh! ****** Across 25 countries, active religious participation is linked with habits like nonsmoking, community involvement, and voting. During his sabbatical at the end of last year, Chance the Rapper quit smoking while studying Scripture. “I feel really good right now, thank u Father,” he wrote on Instagram, where he shared…
READ MORETag: uprising
The Bible’s Best Description of Salvation Is a Phrase We Rarely Use
The Bible’s Best Description of Salvation Is a Phrase We Rarely Use by JULIE CANLIS for Christianity Today How Paul points the way to a fresh way of seeing faith. Years ago during graduate studies at Regent College, I had a desperate talk with Eugene Peterson about how my PhD had turned the words of God into a great, big research project. I was trying to read my lifeless Bible, but I was interrupted 1,000 times by children needing to be fed, changed, read to, and more. I begged him…
READ MOREThe Way (New Horizon) Video
The Way (New Horizon) Video – HouseFires LYRICS Verse 1 I believe through every battle through every heartbreak through every circumstance I believe You are my fortress You are my portion You are my hiding place Chorus I believe You are the way, the truth, the life Verse 2 I believe through every blessing through every promise through every breath I take I believe You are provider You are protector You are the one I love Bridge It’s a new horizon and I’m set on You And you meet me…
READ MOREGlobal Populist Uprising Is Reaching Inflection Point
Global Populist Uprising Is Reaching Inflection Point by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network The uprising in France hasn’t reached the point of no return, yet, but it seems the French, and people around the world, are moving closer to the edge with every passing day. No one here is calling for violence. If you look at what is happening in France you will see the police are the ones generating all the violence. If you look at Italy and Brazil you will see, so far, a system electing a…
READ MOREGlobalist Abort Themselves From the Planet As Populist Birth Themselves Into the Majority
Globalist Abort Themselves From the Planet As Populist Birth Themselves Into the Majority by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Something that most of us haven’t thought about is the good news that sprang forth in New York on January 21, 2019. The satanic globalist elite passed a bill that insures the absolute demise of the radical leftist agenda. As the so-called “progressive” left continues to murder children in the mothers womb, conservative populist are not only continuing to have, and adopt, children they are having more children year after…
READ MORECardinal Dolan sounds off on New York’s ‘hideous’ abortion law (Video)
Cardinal Dolan sounds off on New York’s ‘hideous’ abortion law Video – Fox News The archbishop of New York speaks out on ‘Fox & Friends’ on calls to excommunicate Catholic Gov. Cuomo over New York’s new legislation that legalizes abortion up to birth. Video Source
READ MOREMuslims in Iraq, Now They’re Turning to Christ: ‘Many Are Having Dreams and Visions of Jesus’
Muslims in Iraq, Now They’re Turning to Christ: ‘Many Are Having Dreams and Visions of Jesus’ by Chuck Holton CBN GNN Note – If you think a story like this will ever be reported in the western corporate media, think again. Stories of this nature are not only frowned upon they are not allowed to see the light of day. The church I attend regularly sends missionaries to Israel and we are partnered with a church in Dubai. This type of situation seems to be on the rise as Christ…
READ MOREWhy This End-Times Expert Is Focusing on the Underground Church
Why This End-Times Expert Is Focusing on the Underground Church from Charisma Mag You may recognize Joel Richardson’s name from his many books, his eschatological studies or his videos, but did you know he’s involved in the growing underground church in the Middle East? It’s called The Underground, and, “ministry-wise, it’s one of the fastest growing underground networks in Iran and Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,” Richardson says. “That’s my heart, my passion: [Sharing] the gospel throughout the Middle East.” MP3 Download / Listen HERE>>>
READ MOREA Season to Slow Down: The Next Step in Our Reset
A Season to Slow Down: The Next Step in Our Reset by Dean Briggs – IHOPKC “WE DON’T WANT TO MISS WHAT GOD HAS FOR US IN THIS SEASON, AND WE’RE BELIEVING HIM TO SPEAK IN SOME SPECIAL WAYS, AS WE WITNESSED HIM MOVE AT THE LAST ONETHING CONFERENCE.” Sometimes, doing less is more. Sometimes, silence is louder than words. There are times when quality is far more important than quantity. This is one of those times. As our community at the International House of Prayer continues to reset our lives…
READ MOREIs God Stoking The Hearts of the Church to Reach the UnReached?
Is God Stoking The Hearts of the Church to Reach the UnReached? By Leah MarieAnn Klett, CP Contributor – Christian Post A Christian missionary may be charged with “genocide” by Brazilian authorities after he illegally came in contact with a remote tribe. Steve Campbell of Greene Baptist Church in Maine is being investigated by officials from FUNAI, the Brazilian government’s Indigenous Affairs Department, after traveling deep into the southern Amazon jungle with the intention of sharing the Gospel with the ancient tribespeople. The missionary allegedly entered an area occupied by the remote and protected Hi-Merimã…