CHICK-FIL-A PUT OBAMA AND HILLARY SUPPORTER RODNEY BULLARD IN CHARGE OF THE MONEY AND HAS TRANSFORMED COMPANY TO NOW SUPPORT SOCIAL JUSTICE AND DIVERSITY AGENDA by Geoffrey Grider for Now the End Begins Now the fig leaf is gone and the reality is that the Chick-fil-A Foundation is just another corporate leftist charity that lavishes cash on organizations linked to local Democrats and assorted diversity causes. Without the fig leaf, the Chick-fil-A Foundation is no different than the other corporate charities run by their own equivalents of Bullard, men and women…


Man raised by lesbians warns Americans to fight against Equality Act

Man raised by lesbians warns Americans to fight against Equality Act by The Van Maren Show via Life Site News A social conservative professor who was raised by his mom and her lesbian partner is warning Americans that the Equality Act is a trojan horse that will “nullify” pro-life laws passed in various states and contains language that could lead to the abolishment of all sex-segregated bathrooms. Robert Oscar Lopez is a professor of Humanities at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He’s become most well-known for his article, published…


An Open Letter to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki

An Open Letter to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki by Dr Michael Brown for Ask Dr Brown GNN Note – Over the past 6 years I have operated 2 very successful YT channels, well, until 2016 they were both successful. Everything changed when the left understood they were losing power and the people were going to be represented by a person and not an institution. While the letter Dr. Brown writes addresses the smaller issue of homosexuality community – a group that represents fewer than 3% of the total population of…


Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values?

Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values? by Pat Buchanan via The Burning Platform What are these “values” of which politicians incessantly talk? Are they immutable? Or do they change with the changing times? “My religion defines who I am. And I’ve been a practicing Catholic my whole life,” said Vice President Joe Biden in 2012. “I accept my church’s position on abortion as … doctrine. Life begins at conception. … I just refuse to impose that on others.” For four decades, Biden backed the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use…


Fear of ‘Mass Arrests’ After Court Bans LGBT Class Protests

Fear of ‘Mass Arrests’ After Court Bans LGBT Class Protests By Will Maule for Faith Wire A British high court has ruled that concerned parents will no longer be allowed to protest the introduction of LGBT awareness lessons at a Birmingham elementary school. Birmingham City Council applied for an high court injunction to enforce an exclusion zone after parents began to gather outside the school, protesting the controversial new lessons. The Council insists it applied for the injunction “after the serious escalation of the protests in the week before half-term,” which…


More Proof The MSM Is Desperate And Falling Apart

More Proof The MSM Is Desperate And Falling Apart Special to ANP by Don Boys, Ph.D., former member of the Indiana House of Representatives Newsweek Hit Piece Attacks & Slanders Christian Preacher Because Of His Question To Pete Buttigieg! The LGBT ‘Lifestyle’ Being Pushed Upon America’s Children Is Actually A ‘Deathstyle’ I’m not whining about Newsweek, just wanting to hold their feet to the fire. After all, they did spell my name correctly and pulled a good photo from one of my lectures at the University of North Dakota. The Newsweek…


Subverting Christendom: Political Islam and the Trans Agenda (Video)

Subverting Christendom: Political Islam and the Trans Agenda Video By Liberty Sentinel Staff for Liberty Sentinel VANCOUVER, CANADA — Award-winning international journalist, educator, author and consultant, Alex Newman talks about the New World Order, the indoctrination of children and the agenda of chaos. Tanya Gaw, Co-Founder of Action 4 Canada also joins us to talk about the crisis in Canada for our children. This program aired nationally on the show “Laura-Lynn & Friends” on Canada’s premier Christian TV network, VISION TV. You won’t want to miss it.


The Problem Isn’t White Privilege, It’s Homosexual Privilege

The Problem Isn’t White Privilege, It’s Homosexual Privilege By Bryan Fischer for Barb Wire We’ve all heard about “white privilege” until we’re sick to death of the phrase. Virtually every social problem in America is blamed on whites who supposedly have privilege and power based purely on skin color. [GNN Note – also known as racism] This is getting to be a tougher sell, when we realize that white applicants to Ivy League-type schools are disfavored and must score several hundred points higher than minority students on the SAT just…


Brian Sims and Abortionist Are, Naturally, Losing Their Voice

Brian Sims and Abortionist Are, Naturally, Losing Their Voice by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network The fact of the matter is this – liberals are queering and aborting themselves from the conversation and from the planet. If you believe in abortion – you had better make your time on earth count as you are the end of the line. If you accept and approve of a homosexual lifestyle, well, you have the same problem – you are the end of the line. Reproduction is impossible if you murder your…