7 Great Exercises To Build A Healthy Spine & Relieve Sciatica

7 Great Exercises To Build A Healthy Spine & Relieve Sciatica By Joe Martino for Natural Blaze In our current age of excessive sitting and sedentary lifestyles, back pain is an incredibly common problem — one that I experience myself quite a bit when I don’t take the necessary steps to keep my body loose. About 10 years ago I was digging a pond in my backyard. The project involved an incredible about of digging, lifting, and moving of over 1000 lbs of rock, and I managed to push hundreds of pounds of…


8 Micronutrients that can boost the immune system against COVID-19

8 Micronutrients that can boost the immune system against COVID-19 by: Divina Ramirez for Natural News The rapidly spreading coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is taking a harsh toll on immunocompromised individuals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), factors linked to immunity like age and underlying conditions determine the risk of infection. Based on available information, it appears that COVID-19 can be fatal to individuals aged 65 and older, along with individuals who have preexisting chronic conditions including pneumonia, Type 2 diabetes and liver disease. COVID-19 is still relatively…


Food Shortages | What You Can Do Before It’s Too Late

Food Shortages | What You Can Do Before It’s Too Late by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog We are fortunate that this Covid-19 virus and its associated repercussions is happening early in the year. Why? Because one increasingly dangerous side effect is the potential for shortages of food. And it’s not too late to plant a garden. Okay before you smart readers start saying that an ordinary vegetable garden will not provide enough calories to live on… you’re basically right. However, a garden is a start. And there are some…


The Truth About Fauci—Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits

The Truth About Fauci—Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense “Judy Mikovits is Among Her Generation’s Most Accomplished Scientists.” —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Dr. Mikovits joined NIH in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute and began a 20-year collaboration with Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retro virology. She helped Dr Russetti isolate the HIV virus and link it to #AIDSin 1983. Her NIH boss Anthony Fauci delayed publication of that critical paper for…


OK, Let’s Talk Immunity

OK, Let’s Talk Immunity By Peter Tocci for Natural Blaze Human immune function is awe-inspiring – so complex and anatomically dispersed, yet wholly integrated operationally, that any implication of full understanding is mere posture. But there seem to be physiological and philosophical questions underlying a common, but controversial, immune-related medical Rx. Anatomically speaking, there is no ‘immune system’ as in digestive system, for example, or respiratory. Several anatomical systems possess immune function. Of these, the digestive, especially the intestines and their bacterial population, are key. The ‘system’ exists only in the…


How to identify plaintains, an edible and medicinal “weed”

How to identify plaintains, an edible and medicinal “weed” By Mary Miller for News Target It’s important to familiarize yourself with your local wildlife because you never know when you’ll suddenly need to forage for plants that can be used as a natural remedy or as a source of nutrition. During a survival situation, knowing how to pick out and use a common weed can mean the difference between life and death. Follow this useful guide and learn how to properly identify and use broadleaf plantains in case SHTF. (h/to SurvivalSullivan.com) Commonly…


Is It Time to Start Growing Your Own Food?

Is It Time to Start Growing Your Own Food? by Dr. Joseph Mercola for Mercola There are many reasons more people are buying seeds and planting their own gardens. One of the main reasons is that you have control over growing your food organically and you can enjoy some of the freshest produce available. During World Wars I and II the government encouraged Americans to grow their own food to help the war effort.1 These plots of land were commonly called “victory gardens,” but were also known as “war gardens” and…


Do you need to sweat to have a good workout?

Do you need to sweat to have a good workout? By Zoey Sky for Prevention Some people believe that a great workout should leave you tired and sweating buckets all the time. But according to health experts, sweating doesn’t always indicate a successful exercise routine. Why do people sweat? Sweat evaporates from your skin to prevent your body from overheating after a grueling exercise. If you don’t sweat after an arduous workout session, you may be suffering from anhidrosis, a condition marked by the inability to sweat normally. This condition can cause dizziness, a skin rash or loss…


Keto Diet: Here’s Why Some People Experience Fatigue, Nausea, Headaches After Starting It

Keto Diet: Here’s Why Some People Experience Fatigue, Nausea, Headaches After Starting It By Andrew Scott, University of Portsmouth via Natural Blaze The ketogenic (“keto”) diet is an increasingly common choice for those looking to lose weight by eating more thermogenic foods. The diet recommends eating protein, high-fat and low (or no) carbohydrates. Doing this will cause the body to enter “ketogenesis,” which will reportedly help your body burn more fat and lose weight. But unlike other low-carb diets (such as Atkins or Paleo diets), many people report experiencing flu-like symptoms after adopting the diet…


10 Home remedies you can find in your kitchen

10 Home remedies you can find in your kitchen by: Divina Ramirez for Natural News Home remedies can relieve common ailments including colds, indigestion and rashes. When you have home remedies on hand, you are well-equipped to deal with ailments swiftly and effectively. Use the following tried-and-tested remedies the next time you need a quick fix. Honey Raw honey is an excellent source of antioxidants that promote healthy skin. To moisturize dry skin, mix one teaspoon of honey with mashed banana and apply the paste as a face mask. Leave it on for at least…