Top 12 superfruits to eat during and after cancer treatment

Top 12 superfruits to eat during and after cancer treatment By Divina Ramirez for Prevention Mainstream cancer treatments like chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation therapies can do immense and sometimes irreparable damage to cells, tissues, muscles and the like. But cancer treatments shouldn’t end there. In a recent article published online, registered dietitian Rachael Link emphasized that eating nutritious fruits during and post-treatment can help cancer patients regain their strength and rehabilitate faster in general. Cancer treatments often cause harmful side effects, she explains, but filling up on some “superfruits” can help offset these effects and strengthen…


7 Ways to encourage healthy eating amid stay-at-home lockdown

7 Ways to encourage healthy eating amid stay-at-home lockdown By Divina Ramirez for Prevention The quality of a diet largely depends on an individual’s food choices. But it can also be influenced by the availability of fresh and nutrient-dense foods. Given stay-at-home orders to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, many people have stockpiled non-perishable foods like canned meat, dried fruits and prepackaged vegetables, which can last several days to avoid frequent trips to the supermarket. After all, most restaurants and retail food establishments are closed, which doesn’t leave the general population much…


Foods That Weaken Your Immune System

Foods That Weaken Your Immune System By Joe Martino for Natural Blaze The Facts: Presented is a list of immune-strengthening foods and immune weakening foods that you can make choices about during this time. Reflect On: Are the foods you are eating supporting your immunity? The coronavirus is a virus that can easily be beaten providing you are healthy and your immune system is fairly strong. We have already covered how one could use Vitamin C in similar ways it is being used in Asia to deal with coronavirus. Along with that,…


Chris Miller: Improving Functional Health Building A Better Brain!

Chris Miller: Improving Functional Health Building A Better Brain! by Rory for The Daily Coin With coronavirus / covid-19 racing around the world what a great time to have Chris Miller on to discuss ways to improve our overall health with the main focus being to improve our mental health. In times of stress having a clear head is key to remaining calm, getting through the situation without complicating other aspects and having the ability to help others. We can’t do any of this if we aren’t thinking clearly and…


Capsaicin: A Spicy Supplement That May Deliver Well-Rounded Benefits to Your Health

Capsaicin: A Spicy Supplement That May Deliver Well-Rounded Benefits to Your Health from Mercola Chili peppers (capsicum annuum) are one of the most common yet important spices in cooking, and is enjoyed by countless people all over the world. While most people believe that they originated from India, China or Thailand — countries that make extensive use of chilies in their cuisine — did you know that they actually originated from the Americas?1 The history of chili peppers goes back to more than 6,500 years ago in the Mexican region.2 Ancient…


The 12 Best Foods You Can Eat For Optimal Digestion

The 12 Best Foods You Can Eat For Optimal Digestion By New Leaf Chiropractic via Natural Blaze Are you tired of experiencing bloat, poor digestion, fatigue, and mental fog? Then it’s time to improve your gut by drinking more water, exercising regularly, and eating more nutritiously. Put the principle of making “food your medicine” in motion by adding more of the following foods to your regime: Vegetables Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, arugula, carrots, kale, eggplant, beetroot, Swiss chard, spinach, ginger, mushrooms, and zucchini Roots and Tubers Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, squash, and turnips…


How Dietary Intervention Lifts Depression

How Dietary Intervention Lifts Depression by Dr. Joseph Mercola for Mercola Foods have an immense impact on your body and your brain, and eating whole foods as described in my nutrition plan is a good way to simultaneously support your mental and physical health. Avoiding sugar and artificial sweeteners is in my view, based on the evidence, a crucial aspect of preventing and/or treating depression. Both contribute to chronic inflammation and can wreak havoc with your brain function. Recent research also shows how swapping processed junk food for a healthier diet…


Think positive: Optimists eat healthier

Think positive: Optimists eat healthier by: Melissa Smith for Natural News Having a positive mindset can lead to eating healthier. A study published in the journal Appetite found that optimists tend to follow a healthy diet. A team of researchers from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England looked at the motivational role of a theory known as regulatory focus on consumers’ involvement in nutrition. In other words, they measured the time and effort the consumers put in to finding out about nutrition and seeking out nutritious food. The research team also investigated the influence of nutrition…


Natural remedies for clean arteries: Prevent cardiovascular disease with these 7 foods

Natural remedies for clean arteries: Prevent cardiovascular disease with these 7 foods By Melissa Smith for Prevention The arteries are an important component of the cardiovascular system. They carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to be distributed to the rest of the body, while the veins transport blood back to the heart. This mechanism ensures the proper functioning of many vital organs. However, the arteries can become clogged and narrowed due to the buildup of plaque, resulting in a condition called atherosclerosis. Protect your arteries with the following foods that can help…


Prevent and fight cancer with allium and cruciferous vegetables

Prevent and fight cancer with allium and cruciferous vegetables by: Evangelyn Rodriguez for Natural News Whenever studies report about anti-cancer foods, fruits and mainly vegetables top their lists. These fibrous, plant-based foods are rich in chemical compounds that can prevent, halt the progression of, and even fight several diseases. After years of investigating, researchers have finally identified these valuable sources of cancer-fighting chemicals as cruciferous and allium vegetables. What’s even better is that both types of vegetables can easily be included in every meal. The lowdown on allium and cruciferous vegetables Allium vegetables are some of the most recognizable plants…