5 MYTHS ABOUT THE ARMOR OF GOD by Iain M. Duguid for Core Christianity GNN Note – Well, we know Myth #1 is absolutely true!! ****** Myth #1: Life is a picnic. Even though all the evidence is to the contrary, we often seem to believe that life here on earth is—or at least ought to be—easy. In reality, however, life is hard—often very, very hard. That is, of course, exactly what the Bible leads us to expect. According to the Bible, the Christian life is not a picnic but…


The Believer’s Armor: The Sword of the Spirit (Podcast)

The Believer’s Armor: The Sword of the Spirit Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>> This morning we come to our last study in the armor of the Christian.  We want to examine the last piece of the Christian’s armor.  Verse 17, finally as Paul expresses what is needed for the believer to overcome Satan and his hosts, he says, “Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”  Old Dr. Guthrie said, “The Bible is an armory of heavenly weapons, a…


The Believer’s Armor: The Helmet of Salvation (Podcast)

The Believer’s Armor: The Helmet of Salvation Podcast by Pastor Dr John MacArthur for Grace to You Part 5 – Podcast HERE >>>   Again this morning we have the wonderful privilege of coming to our study of Ephesians chapter 6.  As you know if you’ve been at Grace Church for any length of time, we are committed to an expositional type of ministry, unfolding the truths of the Word of God verse by verse.  And every once in a while we come to certain passages that are so weighty, have so much implicit truth, that really…


The Believer’s Armor, Part 2: The Breastplate of Righteousness (Podcast)

The Believer’s Armor, Part 2: The Breastplate of Righteousness Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur Podcast HERE >>> We’ve been studying the great truth in this text related to the believers’ war with the forces of hell as Paul has outlined for us in the book of Ephesians the tremendous power and resource of the Christian.  He doesn’t want us to get over confident.  He doesn’t want us to dwell with any illusion that because of our resources it’ll be easy, because we’ve been blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies, because we are able to do exceeding…


The Believer’s Armor: The Belt of Truthfulness (Podcast)

The Believer’s Armor: The Belt of Truthfulness Podcast by Pastor John McArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>>   It’s great joy again this morning to have the wonderful privilege of studying the sixth chapter of Ephesians.  I would just call your attention to that.  If you’ll take your Bible now and look with me at Ephesians 6.  I feel like I cannot even begin to exhaust the depths of these tremendous truths that lie within the teaching of the armor of the Christian in versus 14 to 17, a teaching which we’ll be looking at this…


Putting on The Armor of God

Putting on The Armor of God by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Approximately two years ago I was researching articles and listening to a podcast at the same time. It seemed all the news over the previous weeks all had the same ending – human trafficking, pedophilia and organ harvesting. Three of the most heinous crimes against humans that can be perpetuated. I was not looking for this information but the enemy kept placing it in my path. After several weeks of crying, almost daily, as I was researching…