Are We All Children Of God Wether We Believe or Otherwise? I speak often of the time when I was a child and I would walk down to the local Southern Baptist Church around 4-5 blocks from home. I was only 4-6 years old but somehow would get up out of bed, at the appropriate time, and walk down, alone, to the church for Sunday Service. I now understand fully that God was in charge then, as He is today. When I put my good listening ears to use there…
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Wealth or Riches?
Wealth or Riches? When we are young and filled with ideas of how our lives will be most of us see ourselves as being wealthy and having lots of money. Then, reality sets in and most, not all, but a significant portion of us realize we are not going to be fabulously wealthy and flying around the world in our private jet. We must accept this as fact. Some of us learn along the way about the riches that already fill our lives, others take the long road and, still…
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Freedom or Slavery? God has chased after me my entire life. It was 2002 that I finally stopped running, at least for a moment. Am I running today, am I shackled to the guilt of my past and the fears of my future? This is one of the main questions of my life. It is not unusual for me to cry during Sunday service, especially during worship when the lyrics of songs hit my heart with the force of a collapsing mountain. It is during these moments that I most…
READ MOREPushing Through…
Pushing Through… Acting “as if” doesn’t always work. On those days when our world seems out of balance, or the enemy seems to be larger than he is, we must act “as if” we are still loved by our Father and filled with the Holy Spirit and living under the grace of Christ Jesus. When we do this, act “as if”, we find the road smoothes, the wind slows down and the storms rage quiets, even if it’s just a moment or disappears altogether. 4. Made a searching and fearless…
READ MOREHis Indescribable Gift…
His Indescribable Gift… We are discussing, once again, how to give and what to give. As we have learned in other parts of the Gospel a wealthy person has their reward, someone who is financially wealthy they have earned all they will ever get. Why would anyone want to be financially wealthy when we are taught over and over that we are to be meek, humble and not necessarily homeless or live in poverty, but we are not to boast about who we are or what we have. We are…
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Giving of Gifts What are the gifts we are to share with others? How do we give? What is more valuable time, resources or something all together different? The hardest work I have ever done in my life I received no tangible compensation. Actually, it cost me resources, a lot of resources, for the honor of doing the back-breaking, life altering work of loving others. Have you ever built a kitchen? Have you ever built a kitchen in the woods / forest? Having built 3 different kitchens in 3 different…
READ MOREThe Pope vs Paul
The Pope vs Paul If I am a believer of the resurrection, the Scripture and do my best to follow / reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ, how can I reconcile what the Pope has made his latest mission? Is that possible? What Paul explains to the Corinthians, in great detail, is “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” When the Pope stands before the world and announces a major doctoral change to the Christian faith – and that change seems to run contrary to Scripture – why would…
One Gospel We have been conducting a study of Galatians 1, 2 and 3 this week and have been tasked with studying these three chapters at least twice daily. It is a great exercise and really drives home what Paul is attempting to teach the people of Galatia. Since my head is very hard and extremely thick I need exercises of this nature in order to better understand what is being said, the importance of the teaching and to see a much clearer picture of how the Gospel works in…
READ MOREThe Light of the Gospel
The Light of the Gospel On mission. Am I on mission and spreading the Gospel? This is a question that I struggle with everyday. Am I doing enough to show others what the Good Word looks like? One of the main reasons I decided to attend the church where we currently in attendance was due to the Associate Pastor explaining to every one this church “is on mission in our city”. He also explained the church was on mission around the world, which it is very involved in lands far,…
READ MORETransforming…
Transforming… Tuesday October 8, 2002 I walked into my first AA meeting, raised my hand and with a veil of false pride proclaimed “my name and I am an alcoholic”! I sat and listened as the people in attendance around me spoke about their situation. I was sober at that moment, but that soon changed – as soon as the meeting ended. A couple of weeks later, after attending a few more meetings, listening to people discuss their experiences with being alcoholic and coming to realize that I needed more…