A Day In The Word I can’t teach myself, much less others. My goal is to stay as close as possible to Jesus Christ and His teachings for the remainder of my days. If I do this well, then my actions will be seen as a reflection of His word. Those with experience in the Word will be able to see if it is true or if it something less than godly. It is only godly works that matter and all work will be seen for what it is. The…
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Feeding The Soul
Feeding The Soul We take food for our body and love for our Spirit. Our soul needs a little something as well. When we reach out to help others, smile and say thank you for being does this feed your soul? Food is love. When we offer to break bread with those around us that have been rejected by society we are bringing Light to the darkness. We are sharing love where little or none existed before. By His strips we are freed. By His scars we feel love. By…
READ MOREPray For Those Around Us
Pray For Those Around Us When I first began, earnestly, praying and was taught about prayer one of the first things I was taught was that whatever was important to me and my life I should pray that for my enemy to receive whatever it was I needed / wanted in my life. It was confusing then and somehow still a little unsettling for me today. 21 days of prayer was the instruction, I was to pray for others 21 days in a row without fail, without missing a day.…
READ MOREUnclean, Unwanted and Segregated
Unclean, Unwanted and Segregated One of the few times in history has there been people with leprosy. An awful disease that is described in the Bible and, more importantly, how people not afflicted with this disease respond to those with the disease. People are seen as unclean and no longer welcome in the community. Others are told not to touch them as the disease will spread to them and infect their bodies. These are extremely powerful words that paint an unloving and unwelcoming, standoffish picture of loneliness, separation and fear.…
How To Be… We have people in our lives for a multitude of reasons. Some for a moment, others for a short season and still others for a life time. Each person that crosses our path is there for a reason. Each person teaches us a little something about ourselves and the world around us. When we are imprisoned, either like Paul, physically, in cage prior to his execution or we be in chains of the heart and mind, they can act as the same tool of oppression in our…
Witness If you have ever been a witness to someone you already know and understand the power it carries. When we open our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, speak through us and deliver the message of Jesus Christ, well, lives change. We should tell our story as often as possible, especially, if there is an group of 1 or 2 people to grasp what is being said. Our love for Jesus Christ should be shared, not only through our lives but through our words. People need…
READ MORELet Go – Let God
Let Go – Let God Why is it so difficult to understand and accept that I don’t have to do anything to be saved, loved and forgiven by Jesus Christ? This is one of the easiest things that is ask of us but one of the most trying to pull off! Be still and know that God is… Listen to the still small voice… Rest in His grace and mercy. Having a beating heart, willing hands and a mind that is sometimes difficult to shut down becomes a challenge to…
READ MORETo Be As His Child
To Be As His Child When we are children we are free-to-be. No other time during our life is it acceptable to run naked through the yard – as in a complete lack of clothing. Over time we convinced this is not life is and at some point we start to believe it and conform to “societal norms”. Please don’t misunderstand, I am nothing suggesting we all disrobe and head out to the office. This is one of those moments when we are allowed to be a child of God…
READ MOREGuilt of The Past…
Guilt of The Past… Guilt is a terrible thing we wrap around our minds and our lives like a baby in swaddling cloth. We keep it close as to not allow too much exposure, for it is best others don’t see. Guilt keeps us away from God. It most certainly kept me from God for more than 25 years. Some of what was experienced no person should ever have to experience, but that doesn’t mean we should allow those situations to be the driving force our thoughts which become our…
READ MOREThe Measure You Use…Choosing Wisely
The Measure You Use…Choosing Wisely Jesus actually states in Matthew 7 1 Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. Then we learn from Paul that we must judge in order to “savour” a sweet-smelling aroma. What I’ve heard said, in no uncertain terms, is that I must judge others and I must judge circumstances / situations. If I don’t, I may wind up staring into the…