Darkness Gets Confused WOW! Do you ever see something that you have looked at your entire life and one day you actually see it – has this ever happened to you? Shining the Light of truth in the darkness is one of the main goals of Christianity. If we are not shining the Light we are living in darkness – or as I have heard it said another way, we are either living or dying, we are not standing still. Today, I choose to live and today I ask for…
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Standing Firm
Standing Firm Today is the day we must stand with God. Our time is no different than previous times with the moral decay, decadence and a world seemingly on the edge of a cliff. What is different today than during the time when Jesus Christ was upon the earth? As Paul describes in Ephesians 6 NKJV 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles…
In His Light When I first began this journey I had no idea what I was doing or where it would lead. To this day the destination is elusive but the path seems to be narrowing. One of the most valuable lessons has been on prayer. When we seek God, He shows up. When we ask God, He answers and when we knock on the door, God is very happy to greet us and let us in. It’s a simple concept but difficult to remember. It’s simple to remember but…
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Owners Manual Over the past several decades in particular it seems there have been a number of “self help” books / movies, “how to raise your children” books / movies and a plethora of books and movies attempting to guide our lives to some sort of idealized utopia. Over the last 3 years, since President Trump was elected, we have seen a massive increase in social engineering / social justice nonsense. All of this is an attempt to teach us how to be better people. What people over look is…
READ MOREA Ripe Harvest
A Ripe Harvest Love. As so many of us are familiar with the “love chapter” in the Bible – I Corinthians 13 (NKJV) – we have an idea, at least on our wedding day, the importance and deep seeded meaning of love to our life. Love, in it’s truest essence, is the tie that binds. 1Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all…
READ MOREWithout Measure
Without Measure How do we measure the goodness of God? Can it be measured? Is there a yard stick or measuring tape we can unfurl and hold it up to the grace, mercy and wonder that is God? Of course not. For a number of years arising at or before 4am was the norm. When your J.O.B. (just over broke) requires early hours the alarm clock is adjusted to accommodate. Long before the job required it there was an event that took place in the high desert of Nevada. Lying…
READ MOREMine, Yours, His
Mine, Yours, His Mornings are such an awesome time of day. The world is quiet, the noise, hustle and bustle are at a minimum which allows space to spend with our Father. Having been reminded of this today it was surprising to find the chapter in our studies to speak directly to this. Making sacrifices for Christ Jesus should be front and center. A simple sacrifice for some could be arising an hour or even 30 minutes earlier than normal for the specific purpose of having “quiet time” with God…
READ MOREThe Best Days of Our Lives?
The Best Days of Our Lives? We trudge forward in holiness and godliness and when we misstep, well, sin awaits and brings forth death. It doesn’t have to be this way, but we are what we are and it is that which we hate that we do and that which we love we do not. Are the best days of our life truly the best days of our lives or are what seem to be the worst days of our life, in fact, the best? Hard to say. When I…
READ MOREAre You A Prepper?
Are You A Prepper? Several years ago we began a review of our house and the belongings we hold. More specifically the food, dry goods and other assorted everyday items. We determined we should make some changes in case of injury or if one of us were to need long term care, as in being in a wheel chair or broken bone or, heaven forbid, something truly serious. Life happens and we should all have our house in order to be able to care for our spouse and our family…
What We Hear If you have not taken a “fearless and moral inventory of yourself” you should. If you haven’t shared this “inventory” with another human being, you should do that as well. As our life continues to progress we can find ourselves filled with all types of wreckage that put up a barrier in our hearts and minds. These barriers, the longer they go unattended, grow to the point of blocking God from our lives. The larger barrier, the easier to hear the adversary and accept his lies. We…