He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over You… Do we charge the lion or do run away? Should we stand firm in our conviction or stand firm in our strength? Will we walk in the Light or whistle past the grave yard? These are the challenges we face everyday of our life. It is in the knowing, accepting and living under the wing of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that we are able, with hesitation, to charge the lion. We can do this because it is not us. We can do…
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The Lord Stood With Me…
The Lord Stood With Me… When our lives go sideways everyone leaves us. When things are going good people flock to us like we are handing out $100 bills. Probably because we were – at least in the metaphorical sense. It is when our lives take a turn, for whatever reason, that people turn their backs on us. Either their faith is shallow and will not allow them to stand strong or their faith was merely a mirage to begin with. Either way, we are not alone. We are not…
READ MOREHe Is Before All Things…
He Is Before All Things… God is everything. God was before time. God is during our time and God will be for all time. Jesus Christ, Emmanuel who is God with us, the image of God, is the Great I Am. “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that…
READ MOREThose Who Are Of Faith…
Those Who Are Of Faith… How do we come to faith in Jesus Christ? How do we, individually, reach a point of turning our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand God? If we know nothing, or very little, of God how can we be saved and turn away from the life we had been living in sin? Is faith not learned? Is faith not something that another believer delivers to us? We know stealing is wrong because of the law. The law of…
READ MOREBy The Mutual Faith…
By The Mutual Faith… Fellowship, like prayer, is one of the most powerful weapons that Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, teaches us to use. It is through fellowship that we build a Christ centered community. It is through fellowship that we make ourselves known and that others are known to us. God created us to live in community with one another. We must never allow this to be broken. In our world today, throughout most of history, the forces of darkness do their best to splinter us, keep us…
READ MOREThrough Him We Have Received Grace…
Through Him We Have Received Grace… That day we awaken to find that our whole life changes is the greatest day of our entire life on earth. When we come to realize that Jesus Christ is our redeemer, our Savior, our life, there is no greater moment that a person can ever experience. The outward declaration of baptism is a beautiful moment of celebration, but may not be the “shock and awe” to our system that rebirth has on our soul. If one has experienced such a moment it becomes…
READ MORENo One Will Buy or Sell Except…
No One Will Buy or Sell Except… He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. ~Revelation 13:16-17 NKJB When do we begin to awaken to what is actually happening, all around the world and right here in our neighborhoods? Our world is transitioning at lightning speed. The…
READ MOREYou Will Deny Me…
You Will Deny Me… When we are young, either in age or spiritual growth, there is usually a lot of confusion. After several years of study, reading, listening, praying and attempting to live the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Disciples, there is still a lot of confusion. There is a long way to yet travel to clear some of the confusion. Some of it may never depart. Our confusion, which may possibly, perhaps, lead headlong into frustration and anger, can make us question our relationship with Jesus Christ. This…
READ MOREHe Touched Their Eyes…
He Touched Their Eyes… Do we see with our eyes, with our mind or with our heart? When we look upon an object how do we see it, what are we actually looking at? How are we to see a narrow path when the clutter of the day is scattered about with distractions drawing our eye hither-and-yon? There are a couple of accounts discussing how Peter was walking on water to reach Jesus. His vision was clear, Peter was focused on Jesus, the path was narrow and what he could…
READ MOREWhat Has Passed By…
What Has Passed By… As each day passes into the next we see our labor in the past, never in the future. Yes, we can plan our labor, but we can not see the fruit, only God can see the fruit of the labor that is harvested tomorrow. He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11 NASB95 We…