Luke 14:27-30

Luke 14:27-30 from Gospel News Network And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. Luke 14:27-30 KJB Sit down – consult with Jesus Christ,…


Who Is The Judge…

Who Is The Judge… Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 1 Corinthians 6:1-2 NKJB Paul poses 16 different questions in chapter is a mere 20 versus’ in length!! We should probably go about to answer those questions ourselves. Why would we take any matter before the court –…


Maybe We All Experience The Same Thing…

Maybe We All Experience The Same Thing… We all, or so it seems, come into our identity at an early age. Most of us, unfortunately, don’t realize it and, again, most of us have no idea what it even means, how it happens or when it happens. It’s there we simply need to seek, ask and knock in order for it to be revealed. As a child on Sunday mornings, the earliest memory that comes to mind, was walking to church, alone, having left two brothers and Mom, sitting in…


He Restrained Them Not…

He Restrained Them Not… As with Samuel, when the Lord speaks, we should respond. When we are awakened in sleep, we may want to ask the Lord to speak to us that we may know His word, we may know His guidance for our life. When we listen, God speaks. When we obey, God acts. If someone believes that God is done speaking the question remains…how could that person believe in Christ, follow Christ or claim thereof they are a Christian? God has been very busy speaking to us, but…


All That You Say To Me I Will Do…

All That You Say To Me I Will Do… When we walk in the will of the Lord, humble ourselves to serve Him and others we find that our lives are filled with grace and mercy. It begins with humility and, sometimes, humility is born from heartbreak, loss or desperation. Once we find ourselves “at the bottom”, whatever that looks like, we can humble ourselves in front of the Lord, bow down and make ourselves available to His will and set our free will aside. This opens the door wide…


But Ruth Clung Unto Her…

But Ruth Clung Unto Her.. Humility, grace and mercy seem to be linked one to another. Once we humble ourselves we can find grace and once grace is upon us mercy seem to follow. Maybe not in all instances but it sure seems the three can run together quiet easily. Can we simultaneously walk in fear and in humility, especially in the presence of others and even more so when in the presence of someone we have the deepest respect? It seems that it would be an impossible task. It…


Where Two or Three Are Gathered…

Where Two or Three Are Gathered… When 2 or 3 are gathered together in the name of Jesus Christ, He is in the midst. What if there are 4, 5 or more? If there are 2 or 3 gathered the focus is on the topic at hand. Once the 4th person is introduced it can easily shift. One of the 4 is going to be off base, is going to be physically in the circle, however, their heart, mind and soul may be in another location. This can be easily…


Rebuke In The Name Of Jesus Christ…

Rebuke In The Name Of Jesus Christ… Matthew 4:8-11 describes one of the great rules offered by Jesus Christ. It is a rule that is subtle, but powerful. It is a rule that is often overlooked and, most certainly, sits in a pile of rust in most of the “tool boxes” across the land. This rule, this tool, will change a persons day in an instant. It will lift a persons spirits and fill us with the Power, Strength and Love of Jesus Christ as soon as we speak it.…


Obtained Favor In His Sight…

Obtained Favor In His Sight… In our life of sin we, somehow by the grace of the Lord our God, obtain favor in His sight. When the Lord our God looks upon us He sees us through the blood of Jesus Christ. God sees us, even in our sin, as His child, perfect, anointed and holy. We can do not that; we can not earn that. It is a gift for those that believe. It is a gift that should not be squandered. It is as precious as life itself.…


Arise; For The Lord Has Delivered…

Arise; For The Lord Has Delivered… Our mind can be a very, very dangerous neighborhood. It is the place where most of our fear lives. It is the place where the devil whispers a lie and transforms our heart. When a person hears in their mind awful words, phrases or sees images of things that don’t exist, who would plant such things as these in our mind? It is, for sure, not the Lord, our God. The devil loves to steal our identity and he is so accomplished at his…