The Battle Cry of Isaiah — Awake and Arise! by Shane Idleman A battle cry is used to summon armies to war. A loud, unified shout could intimidate the strongest of enemies. Confidence in battle often tilts the scale toward victory, whereas timidity, fear, and cowardliness will surely lead to defeat. In these dreadful times, don’t be shamed into silence. Follow Isaiah’s lead and raise your voice like a trumpet — awake and arise! (58:1; 60:1). Can We Handle the Truth? America today is a lot like Israel in Isaiah’s…
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Duck Duck Go Has Become A Censoring Machine The Same As Google
Duck Duck Go Has Become A Censoring Machine The Same As Google by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network We can say Christian persecution. We know what it’s like. We are living through it right now. We have the numbers to prove it. We have the evidence to show the war on Christianity is real, it is happening right now and if you are reading this then you broke through the barrier. Beginning in April 2022 there was a significant change in the volume of traffic Gospel News Network was…
READ MORETransgender ideology is gradually erasing women and girls from reality
Transgender ideology is gradually erasing women and girls from reality by Jonathon Van Maren for Life Site News This is not an isolated incident of a few woke government employees run amok. The latest erasure of women is drawing outrage from feminists who must surely be feeling beleaguered at this point. The MailOnline has reported that the terms “women” and “girls” have been removed from more government websites, this time from a Welsh government website presenting a guide on menstruation. Instead of referring to women, the Welsh government site instead refers…
READ MOREHow Powerful Is Satan?
How Powerful Is Satan? by Pat Robertson for CBN News In a message addressed to the king of Tyre, but obviously meant for Satan, we have these words, “You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty… You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God… You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you” (Ezekiel 28:12-15). And in Isaiah, “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son…
READ MORE‘I’ll Keep Serving God Till My Last Breath’: Indian Pastor Won’t Back Down After Cops Allegedly Persecute, Beat, and Drive Him From His Home
‘I’ll Keep Serving God Till My Last Breath’: Indian Pastor Won’t Back Down After Cops Allegedly Persecute, Beat, and Drive Him From His Home By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire Despite a 2021 Pew Research Center survey finding the majority of Indians believe it is “very important to respect all religions,” India has tragically become a dangerous place for Christians. The nation ranks as the 10th most risky nation in the world for believers, according to Open Doors USA’s 2022 World Watch List, which ranks countries where persecution is most prevalent.…
READ MOREWho Deserves Death by Divine Judgment?
Who Deserves Death by Divine Judgment? by Michael L. Brown for Stream Is it true that the Bible singles out certain sinners as being worthy of death? Absolutely. But the list is a lot longer than we realize. In fact, the Bible even says this: “Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.” (Romans 2:1) The sharp sword of God’s Word certainly cuts both ways. I alluded to…
READ MOREWhat Scripture Says About Believers Running for Public Office
What Scripture Says About Believers Running for Public Office by Shelby Lindsay for Charisma News Christian beliefs and the daily political cycle appear to be running closer together than ever before. Turning Point USA Founder, Charlie Kirk, and president of Amerisearch, William Federer, explain why the notion that “just caring about the gospel and not government and politics is misguided.” During a recent Turning Point USA, Kirk asked the question, “What is the biblical reason we should care about America?” A topic that many Christians are divided on, Federer explains the…
READ MORE#FBI Raids #PresidentTrump’s #Mar_A_Lago Home – Break Into Safe
#FBI Raids #PresidentTrump’s #Mar_A_Lago Home – Break Into Safe Time for Patriots to rise up and take action. Our nation is currently under siege from within and the Southern Border. Arrest Merick Garland and Christopher Wray. Arrest EVERY FBI agent that entered Mar-A-Lago and every Secret Service Agent that stood-down and allowed the FBI to enter President Trump’s home. #FBI Have Raided #PresidentTrump's home at #Mar_A_Lago — TheDailyCoin (@RoryTDC) August 8, 2022 Yes… Pay close attention to the “Republicans” that are silent and listen intently to the ones speaking…
READ MOREThe Body of Christ Keeps Score
The Body of Christ Keeps Score by RUSSELL MOORE for Christianity Today Only revival with reformation can heal the American church from its spiritual trauma. This past week’s bonus episode of CT’s The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcast featured a conversation between my colleague Mike Cosper and therapist Aundi Kolber about the effects spiritual trauma can have on one’s body. The dialogue has haunted me ever since because it’s prompted me to ask whether American Christianity has experienced collectively how some experience trauma individually—and whether that might provoke…
READ MOREStop The Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Stop The Stinkin’ Thinkin’ by Shane Idleman Of all the tricks of the enemy, of all the things that knock us off course, of all the things that cause division among Christians, being hurt by others is at the top of the list. It’s also the primary reason behind most of the violence in our world. The pain we cause each other is one of the enemy’s primary weapons. If you’re a leader, being hurt by others (and hurting others), can be a weekly if not daily struggle. Of the…