American Media Comparisons of Christians to Taliban Is Disturbing and Concerning

American Media Comparisons of Christians to Taliban Is Disturbing and Concerning by  for Christian News Now

Michael Moore, a political documentary filmmaker (Bowling for ColumbineFahrenheit 9/11Sicko), used a recent interview with entertainment business news source Variety to compare American Christians to the Taliban.

Just days after the Taliban violently took control of Afghanistan, which has produced reports of Christians being killed for having Bible apps on their smartphones, Moore specifically targeted Southern Baptists.

In the interview, Moore indicated that religious fundamentalism oppresses women and outlined his concerns that women in Afghanistan will experience setbacks because of the Taliban’s rule.

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Moore called the Taliban “religious nuts,” then stated that America has the same type of people as well. The filmmaker said he doesn’t have much faith in the Taliban’s word that they will keep girls’ schools open, something they claimed in a recent press conference. “They also said they are going to operate under Islamic law,” Moore said, then compared Southern Baptists to the Taliban. “That’s exactly how a lot of Southern Baptists want it to be here, too. In a lot of parts of the country, we are following dictates of conservative Christians. It’s wrong there and it’s wrong here.”

To many, an American comparing American Christians to the Taliban is dangerous and disturbing. News outlets have reported that the Taliban is going from house to house killing people who worked with the United States. Three Afghan National Army commanders were hung because of their association with America. Another outlet reported an Afghan Christian was skinned alive and hung on a pole by the Taliban.

Moore posted an image on Twitter of a split photo. The top image is a recent photo of the Taliban sitting in Afghanistan’s presidential palace in Kabul. The bottom image is a photo of January’s capitol rioters holding a “Trump is President” flag. Moore’s description reads, “Their Taliban, our Taliban, everybody’s got a Taliban. They’re at their best when they confiscate the halls of power.”

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