“Trash Wheel” Invention Cleans Millions Of Pounds Of Garbage From Baltimore Harbor

“Trash Wheel” Invention Cleans Millions Of Pounds Of Garbage From Baltimore Harbor By John Vibes for Natural Blaze The Baltimore harbor is by far the most popular tourist destination in the city, but over the years conditions in the water began to deteriorate. Luckily, a Maryland resident invented a device that has been helping to remove millions of pounds of trash and debris from the harbor. The device is a solar-powered water wheel that is connected to a conveyor belt. The wheel works by lifting trash and debris out of the…



BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGISTS DISCOVER THE CITY OF EDOM, AND WHY THIS IS AN AMAZING MARKER ON THE END TIMES BIBLE PROPHECY TIMELINE by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins The untold story of a thriving and wealthy society in the Arava Desert – in parts of Israel and Jordan – during the 12th-11th centuries BC has been revealed by a Tel Aviv University study. “Using technological evolution as a proxy for social processes, we were able to identify and characterize the emergence of the biblical kingdom of Edom,” explained. Prf. Ezra…


The Conversation About Sex You Need to Have with Your Spouse

The Conversation About Sex You Need to Have with Your Spouse by David White for The Gospel Coalition Years ago, I was eating in a restaurant with a friend. As our meal progressed, the conversation devolved into a lament over the state of his marriage, particularly their sex life. He grew increasingly animated, finally exclaiming loudly: “I knew marriage would be hard, but sex was supposed to be easy!” Struggling to ignore the turned heads and raised eyebrows at nearby tables, I focused on what my friend was saying. He’d…


The Amazing Mystery That Pinpoints When World Events Will Take Place Down to Their Exact Dates!

The Amazing Mystery That Pinpoints When World Events Will Take Place Down to Their Exact Dates!  by JONATHAN CAHN for Charisma News In The Oracle, Jonathan Cahn reveals an amazing, uncanny and eerily precise mystery that pinpoints the timing of world events. Is it possible that there exists an ancient mystery that lies behind the events of modern times? And is it possible that such a mystery could foretell or determine the timing of those events down to the exact day they will take place? Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger and several New…


It Could Never Happen Here: Many People Won’t Consider the Grim Reality of Long-term Survival

It Could Never Happen Here: Many People Won’t Consider the Grim Reality of Long-term Survival by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper How dark are you willing to go in your preparedness efforts? If you’re like a lot of people, there’s only a certain level of SHTF that you are willing to imagine. And that means you aren’t going to be prepared for it if things get worse than the level you can envision. If you’re reading this, you’re probably a prepper or have some SHTF awareness. Maybe you’re participating…


The Believer’s Armor: The Belt of Truthfulness (Podcast)

The Believer’s Armor: The Belt of Truthfulness Podcast by Pastor John McArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>>   It’s great joy again this morning to have the wonderful privilege of studying the sixth chapter of Ephesians.  I would just call your attention to that.  If you’ll take your Bible now and look with me at Ephesians 6.  I feel like I cannot even begin to exhaust the depths of these tremendous truths that lie within the teaching of the armor of the Christian in versus 14 to 17, a teaching which we’ll be looking at this…


Putin Understands US Politics Better Than US Elites – ‘Globalism Has Hurt the US Middle Class’

Putin Understands US Politics Better Than US Elites – ‘Globalism Has Hurt the US Middle Class’ by A Political Junkie for Russia-Insider In a recent interview with Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times, Russian President Vladimir Putin had some very interesting and accurate comments about the current political situation in the United States, particularly as it relates to America’s middle class.  Here are some of the key comments: “Russia has been accused, and, strange as it may seem, it is still being accused, despite the Mueller report [on the…


It Comes Down To Love

It Comes Down To Love It stands to reason, from my perspective, that having been “formally” introduced to Jesus Christ through AA, that I would reference AA a lot. Having been given my life back through faith, the blood of our Savior and mercy of our God, walking through the biblical steps as described in AA the door opened and the Holy Spirit flooded my life. I would encourage everyone to go through the steps, if you dare. Simple, but not easy. Being honest with ones self is, in every…


The Chemical Imbalance Myth and Antidepressant Harm

The Chemical Imbalance Myth and Antidepressant Harm by Dr. Joseph Mercola for Mercola In the U.S., an estimated 17.3 million American adults (7.1% of the adult population), experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2017.1 The highest rates are reported among those aged between 18 and 25.2 However, not only is there evidence that depression is vastly overdiagnosed, but there’s also evidence showing it’s routinely mistreated. With regard to overdiagnosis, one 2013 study3 found only 38.4% of participants with clinician-identified depression actually met the DSM-4 criteria for a major depressive episode, and only…