Moving Towards A Cashless World

Moving Towards A Cashless World from End Times Prophecy OVER 66 MILLION PEOPLE IN INDIA NOW USING BIOMETRIC PAYMENT SYSTEM – THE BIOMETRIC-CASHLESS WORLD IS COMING! “India’s Aadhaar enabled payment system (AEPS) surpassed 200 million transactions with biometric authentication the month of July, 2019 … The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) announced the milestone, which is instrumental to India’s financial inclusion efforts, according to the report. A total of 220.18 million transactions with a combined value of 96.85 billion rupees (US$1.36 billion). The system was used by 66.5 million Indian citizens during…


Trump admin responds to Taylor Swift’s Equality Act petition: bill is ‘filled with poison pills’

Trump admin responds to Taylor Swift’s Equality Act petition: bill is ‘filled with poison pills’ by Calvin Freiburger for Life Site News GNN Note – What most people, like Taylor Swift and the fans of MTV, don’t really understand is the fact this bill, if passed, would completely eliminate there ability to say anything against anyone at any time. It is, effectively, an end of free speech. But, never-mind those pesky details, we have virtue signaling to do!! The nine most terrifying words known to man kind – “Hi, I’m…


Blood pressure control could slow age-related brain damage

Blood pressure control could slow age-related brain damage by Dr. Joseph Mercola for Mercola According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,1 1 in 3 American adults (about 75 million people) have high blood pressure, and about 46% have uncontrolled high blood pressure, which increases your risk for a number of serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke,2 kidney disease3 and dementia.4 With regard to dementia, previous research5 has found that high blood pressure disrupts regulatory mechanisms in your brain by impeding blood flow, thereby causing neuronal damage and dysfunction. A study6 published in the August…


The Feminist War Against Men and Marriage

The Feminist War Against Men and Marriage Jeff Minick for Russian-Faith A natural woman speaks from her heart: “I do find it sad that not more women are encouraged to embrace marriage and family. I have many single women friends, now in their mid and late 30s, who now feel the clock ticking but have resigned themselves to being alone for the rest of their lives.” Soon afterwards, I chanced upon Rod Dreher’s online article in which he discusses a column by Anna Hitchings, an Australian writer lamenting the lack of…



ROBORELIGION by Dr Joseph P Farrell for Giza Death Star Wait for it; it’s coming… roboreligion. What am I talking about? Well, K.M. spotted this important little article and I had to blog about it, because as you can tell, this week the focus of articles people were sending me seemed to have been AI, robots, analogue systems, and coming changes to society and culture. In this case, a robot-“priest” in a Buddhist temple in Japan: Robot priest added to 400-year-old Buddhist temple in Japan: ‘It will grow in wisdom’…


Tropical Storm Dorian is Expected to Become a Hurricane By Sunday: Get Prepared Now!

Tropical Storm Dorian is Expected to Become a Hurricane By Sunday: Get Prepared Now! By Dagny Taggart for The Organic Prepper If you live in Florida, Georgia, or the Carolinas, you have (hopefully) heard by now that a big storm is heading your way. Currently a tropical storm, Dorian is expected to strengthen to a Category 2 hurricane when it reaches the eastern coast of Florida late Sunday night or early Monday morning. This morning, The Weather Channel issued a warning: Tropical Storm Dorian will strike Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Wednesday, the…


Dis-Ease of the Mind

Dis-Ease of the Mind Alcoholism is a disease (dis-ease) of the mind. The demon dwells in the heart and tells the mind how to act, when to act and what the acts will be. A hardened heart comes from the same place, one does not have to be an alcoholic in order to have a dis-ease in their life that creates a hardened heart. When life becomes unsettled and the people around you are running to-and-fro this is the time when we should find peace and calm. Maybe this was…


The Book of Romans – More than Conquerors: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible (Podcast)

The Book of Romans – More than Conquerors: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church Podcast HERE >>> I’m not sure if you’ve heard the name Peter Deyneka –he was a 1 Russian immigrant who fled to America in 1911 to escape the Communist Revolution. ● He became a Christian shortly after arriving in Chicago, went to the Moody Bible Institute and was then powerfully used by God in both America and Russia in bringing people to Jesus. He tells this great story about…


Good News for Whole-Person Flourishing

Good News for Whole-Person Flourishing by Hunter Beaumont  for The Gospel Coalition Over the last 75 years, American evangelicals have become increasingly active in poverty alleviation. This is one of the great achievements of Carl Henry and Billy Graham’s “neo-evangelical” vision, forcefully introduced by Henry’s 1947 watershed book The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism. Fundamentalists, Henry said, were like theologically precise priests passing by a dying traveler. They complained about the theological bankruptcy of the “social gospel” but didn’t have their own program for addressing social evils. Henry identified fundamentalism’s own…