Eating More Plant-Based Foods Linked To Better Heart Health

Eating More Plant-Based Foods Linked To Better Heart Health from Natural Blaze Eating mostly plant-based foods and fewer animal-based foods may be linked to better heart health and a lower risk of dying from a heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular disease according to new research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, the Open Access Journal of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. “While you don’t have to give up foods derived from animals completely, our study does suggest that eating a larger proportion of plant-based foods…


China’s New Strategy: Outlast Donald Trump

China’s New Strategy: Outlast Donald Trump by John Carney for Breitbart China has embarked on a high-stakes strategy that makes it very unlikely to agree to a deal quelling trade tensions with the U.S. before the 2020 presidential elections, many investors and China watchers say. The plan that appears to have emerged in Beijing is to keep trade talks going while avoiding any real reforms or enforceable deals until after the election, according to several reports. At that point, China could find itself facing a new administration that would likely…


Tucker Carlson Isn’t Wrong About White Supremacy

Tucker Carlson Isn’t Wrong About White Supremacy By David Marcus for The Federalist GNN Note – I agree 100% with Tucker Carlson. We have an opioid, suicide, homelessness, family, drug, Spiritual and corruption problem, but “racism” or “white supremacy” don’t make the list. ****** Tucker Carlson is under fire for saying something blatantly true: that American society is not facing a crisis of white supremacy. Fox News Primetime host Tucker Carlson has come under considerable fire this week for comments in which he referred to white supremacy in the United States…


Work and Our Labor in the Lord (Podcast)

Work and Our Labor in the Lord Podcast by Janet Parshall for In The Market Many Christians view work as something other than how God sees it. Work is God’s gift to us. So why don’t we see our daily work as significant? Why do we approach our job with drudgery rather than with joy? We’ll dig into the Bible and examine what the Scriptures tell us about the blessings of work. Podcast HERE >>> Hour 2 – The Way of Letting Go >>>


How to Date Someone with Different Political or Religious Views

How to Date Someone with Different Political or Religious Views from Making Sense of Manliness Politics and religion are two of the most divisive and emotive topics in our communities today. Every politics and religion enthusiast is trying to outdo their opposition, desperate to appear superior to the other. And while that is legal and acceptable in the society, what happens when love is caught in the wrangles? Better put; how difficult or easy is it date someone who holds religious or political views that sharply contradicts yours? Well, please…


Is America Too Sick to Recover?

Is America Too Sick to Recover? by Michael L. Brown As the host of a daily, talk radio show, on Monday-Friday I receive an email from a Christian news service highlighting the top 7-8 stories of the day. This week, on Monday, the first three stories were: 1) White Supremacist Kills 20 at Walmart; 2) Socialist Shoots 9 in Dayton; 3) 25 Shot and Killed in Chicago in 4 Hours. How do we respond to news like this? To be sure, these tragic shootings are just the tiny tip of a…


One Gospel

One Gospel We have been conducting a study of Galatians 1, 2 and 3 this week and have been tasked with studying these three chapters at least twice daily. It is a great exercise and really drives home what Paul is attempting to teach the people of Galatia. Since my head is very hard and extremely thick I need exercises of this nature in order to better understand what is being said, the importance of the teaching and to see a much clearer picture of how the Gospel works in…


Add these 8 nutrient-packed foods to your diet

Add these 8 nutrient-packed foods to your diet by: Evangelyn Rodriguez for Natural News According to the World Health Organization (WHO), good nutrition is the cornerstone of good health. Good nutrition entails an adequate, well-balanced diet complemented with regular physical activity. The major systems of the body all rely on good nutrition to function properly. Poor nutrition results in impaired immunity, physical and mental development, and productivity. To ensure that you get good nutrition, start by adding these nutrient-rich foods to your diet. 8 Foods that promote good nutrition Nutrients are food components that provide nourishment to the body. There are two…


Pepper Spray For Self Defense | Popular | Best Rated | Tips | Laws

Pepper Spray For Self Defense | Popular | Best Rated | Tips | Laws by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog Pepper spray is a very popular self defense tool. Why? Because it is effective, and legal to carry in most places. Check pepper spray laws of all 50 states below. What Happens when Sprayed with Pepper Spray? When pepper spray is sprayed onto another person, it will cause inflammation, coughing, choking, nausea, and will dilate the eyes with temporary blindness (while not causing permanent damage). Information updated for 2019: Top…