YAHOO: Best-selling novelist’s anti-vax post goes viral: ‘I do not consent’

YAHOO: Best-selling novelist’s anti-vax post goes viral: ‘I do not consent’ by Erin Elizabeth for Health Nut News A best-selling novelist has stoked a passionate discussion around the topic of vaccinesafety with a  Facebook post that has gone viral. “Until you can prove vaccines do not cause DNA mutations, I do not consent,” wrote Jamie McGuire, author of 20 books in the New Adult genre (for ages 18-30), including Walking Disaster — which debuted at No. 1 on the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists — as well as the apocalyptic thriller Red Hill. Her March…


New Danish MMR study shows autism rate of 1 in 100—CDC should rush to Denmark!

New Danish MMR study shows autism rate of 1 in 100—CDC should rush to Denmark! by J.B. Handley for JB Handley Blog COPENHAGEN, Denmark—The night before a Congressional Hearing we have another “Danish Study” that will invariably be all the talk tomorrow. It’s too bad no one reads (or understands) the details about these studies that are both funded and researched by vaccine companies (this one is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and research completed by Danish vaccine maker Statens Serum Institut.) I won’t bore you with how consistently…


Genetic sequencing science breakthrough just proved that measles “outbreaks” are caused by the measles vaccine

Genetic sequencing science breakthrough just proved that measles “outbreaks” are caused by the measles vaccine by: Mike Adams for Natural News The entire fear mongering campaign surrounding measles outbreaks in the United States centers around a “big lie” that’s pushed by vaccine propagandists. All measles outbreaks, they falsely claim, are due solely to unvaccinated children. Thus, the answer to outbreaks is more vaccines, they say. But a science paper published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, entitled, “Rapid Identification of Measles Virus Vaccine Genotype by Real-Time PCR,” has discovered something that vaccine fanatics don’t…


Government Research Confirms Measles Outbreaks Are Transmitted By The Vaccinated

Government Research Confirms Measles Outbreaks Are Transmitted By The Vaccinated By Alex Pietrowski for Waking Times The level of hysteria surrounding measles is rising fast, although there have only been 159 cases in North America this season. People are freaking out and blaming the unvaccinated for this ‘outbreak.’ Vaccine advocates are demanding that anti-vaccine voices are scrubbed from public view. Facebook is working to ban all informed vaccine content from the site. Lawmakers are proposing a flurry of legislation aimed at severely punishing families that prefer not to vaccinate, even looking to remove vaccine…


Robert F Kennedy Jr. blocked from giving evidence at congressional hearing

Robert F Kennedy Jr. blocked from giving evidence at congressional hearing by Erin Elizabeth for Health Nut News Robert F Kennedy Jr. was recently prevented from giving evidence at two Congressional hearings on the grounds that they are full. It is ever more essential that everyone contacts their representatives to insist that all sides should be heard, particularly if their representatives are members of those committees. Threats to end religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions have just been ratcheted up to an unprecedented federal level. If parents and caregivers are stripped of…


Vaccinated children face a 3000% increased risk of dangerous allergy, stunning new science finds

Vaccinated children face a 3000% increased risk of dangerous allergy, stunning new science finds by: Lance D Johnson for Natural News Not only are vaccine ingredients impure, but the methodology of rigorous vaccine use carries a whole additional set of risks. The current CDC schedule recommends 50+ vaccine doses before a child reaches six years of age. This rigorous vaccine schedule forces pathogens into a child’s body in an unnatural way, ultimately changing the way a child’s immune system is exposed to pathogens, how it learns, responds, and develops. Vaccine pathogens are introduced directly into the muscle…


Newsweek: Washington state House committee passes bill to ban personal, philosophical vaccine exemptions

Newsweek: Washington state House committee passes bill to ban personal, philosophical vaccine exemptions by Erin Elizabeth for Health Nut News GNN Note – I don’t mind vaccines, what I don’t like one bit is the state telling me that I must get vaccinated. Remember, once a vaccine is injected into your system, you can’t get it out. Also, you can’t sue the vaccine company if something goes wrong – these are two reasons for questioning vaccines. ****** On Friday, a Washington state House committee passed a bill to ban the personal or philosophical exemption…


Can You Be Pro-Vaccine AND Pro-Life?

Can You Be Pro-Vaccine AND Pro-Life? A Nurse Speaks Video – The Patriot Nurse In this informative video, Patriot nurse uncovers the truth behind the aborted fetal tissue in many vaccines. She also tells viewers where they can find more information. Due to the recent legislation across the US expanding abortion availability during the third trimester and even after birth, many people are reexamining their stances on abortion, as well as late term abortion. Vaccines, in many cases, utilize tissue lines isolated from aborted babies. You have a right to…


RFK Jr’s org announces: FDA admits the government IS recommending untested, unlicensed vaccines for pregnant women

RFK Jr’s org announces: FDA admits the government IS recommending untested, unlicensed vaccines for pregnant women by Erin Elizabeth for Health Nut News Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says, “As a nation, we can no longer pretend our trusted agencies are protecting our children. It is time to hold federal agencies accountable.” WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 11, 2019—In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the FDA has admitted, for the first time, that government agencies, including the CDC, are recommending vaccines for pregnant women that have neither been licensed for pregnant mothers by FDA nor…



THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT AUTISM Video – SGTReport GNN Note – Please be sure to read the article proving beyond question, as ruled in a court of law, that vaccines do in fact cause autism. Click here now to read the facts. The line between autism and vaccines has NOT been established according to the US Department of Justice lawyers who tried to bury the truth. But the truth is out, and proof of the crimes against children by big pharma vaccine makers who have total indemnity against being sued…