Pictures: Dutch Farmers In Mass Protest Against Green Fascism

Pictures: Dutch Farmers In Mass Protest Against Green Fascism by James Delingpole for Breitbart Thousands of Dutch farmers are heading en masse to the Netherlands capital, the Hague, to protest against environmental policies being inflicted on them by their coalition government. Hundreds have converged on the capital by tractor, causing total tailbacks in excess of 1,000 km (620 miles) and bringing the city to a standstill. According to Dutch News NL: The demonstration has been prompted by a suggestion from coalition party D66 that Dutch livestock farming should be slashed to…


How to Position Yourself to Walk in Your God-Given Anointing

How to Position Yourself to Walk in Your God-Given Anointing by BRANDON A. COX for Charisma News That word—”anointing”—is tricky. If you grew up in a Pentecostal/charismatic environment, you might associate the anointing with a particular ecstatic experience, or with the practice of anointing the sick with oil and prayer or perhaps with the preacher delivering a particularly powerful message. If you grew up Catholic, Orthodox or in another liturgical tradition, you probably think of the anointing as referring to those individuals set aside for a particular full-time priestly ministry…


40 Days for Life Begins Around the World: ‘The Year of Infanticide’

40 Days for Life Begins Around the World: ‘The Year of Infanticide’ by Dr Susan Berry for Breitbart The internationally celebrated “40 Days for Life” campaign begins Wednesday as pro-life activists pray to end abortion during all-day peaceful vigils in front of abortion businesses. This year, the campaign begins during “the year of infanticide,” says its president and CEO Shawn Carney on the organization’s website. “We are in uncharted waters,” he states. “The barbaric nature of abortion – and infanticide – is front and center right now in America. Many in Washington…


If Only We Believed

If Only We Believed There are no words to describe the pain, fear and guilt that drove me to take drugs, for the first time, at age 9. Likewise, there are no words to describe the abundance of these tools of the enemy that kept me in addiction from age 15 to 40. Having been to church, having an understanding of Jesus and actually dedicating approximately a year to studying the Gospel, and other writings surrounding a variety of religions, did not help to fill the God-shaped hole within. The…


5 Steps to Win American Culture Back From Jezebel’s Grasp

5 Steps to Win American Culture Back From Jezebel’s Grasp by Michael Brown for Charisma News Author and national radio host Dr. Michael Brown says that until Jesus returns and sets up His perfect kingdom, the culture wars will continue to rage, and there will be many setbacks along the way. “But that doesn’t mean there won’t be some real victories as well,” said the author of the popular new book, Jezebel’s War With America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide. “We’ve…


Florida Considers Bill to Nullify Roe v Wade & Stop Abortion

Florida Considers Bill to Nullify Roe v Wade & Stop Abortion By Liberty Sentinel Staff  for Liberty Sentinel GNN Note – The interesting part about Florida attacking this law is it should go un-opposed by the satanic globalist baby killers. If they challenge it, it will pass. If it passes and then gets challenged it will go before the Supreme Court and then be ruled a states right not a federal level law and Roe vs Wade will then sent back to the states – where it belongs. This puts the…


Jonathan Cahn Explains Prophetic Mysteries, How Jubilee Is Tied to Trump and Jerusalem

Jonathan Cahn Explains Prophetic Mysteries, How Jubilee Is Tied to Trump and Jerusalem by Benjamin Gill for CBN News Jonathan Cahn’s brand new book The Oracle is flying off shelves as readers once again show a huge interest in prophecy and biblical mysteries that point to the end times. Publisher Charisma House says it’s already become a #1 bestseller on Publishers Weekly. They also report the book made the New York Times bestseller list in two categories as well as #1 on Amazon. “The Oracle was also No. 1 in all fiction books as well as…


Prophecy: Double Advancement Is Coming

Prophecy: Double Advancement Is Coming by JOE JOE DAWSON for Charisma News The Lord recently spoke to me about this being a double advancement season. In many of the airports I have visited, there are things called a moving walkway. The moving walkway is designed to take you from one part of the airport to another at double speed. On a moving walkway, you can stop and allow the walkway to take you from where you are to where you are going. However, if you don’t stop and keep moving,…


It Could Never Happen Here: Many People Won’t Consider the Grim Reality of Long-term Survival

It Could Never Happen Here: Many People Won’t Consider the Grim Reality of Long-term Survival by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper How dark are you willing to go in your preparedness efforts? If you’re like a lot of people, there’s only a certain level of SHTF that you are willing to imagine. And that means you aren’t going to be prepared for it if things get worse than the level you can envision. If you’re reading this, you’re probably a prepper or have some SHTF awareness. Maybe you’re participating…


The Book of Romans – As Close As Your Mouth and Your Heart (Podcast)

The Book of Romans – As Close As Your Mouth and Your Heart Podcast by Pastor JD Greear for Summit Church Podcast HERE >>> OK, Romans 10. Romans 10 is the other side of the coin of Romans 9. The focus of Romans 9 was on God’s sovereignty in our salvation. The focus of Romans 10 is on our role in it. In Scripture, God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility are presented as a paradox—which means something that, on the surface, appears contradictory but in reality is not. In a paradox,…