DID GOD DIE ON GOOD FRIDAY? by Adriel Sanchez for Core Christianity The centerpiece of Good Friday is the cross of Jesus Christ. On the Friday before Easter, Jesus was crucified and died. This creates a dilemma in the mind of some. If Jesus is God, how could he die? After all, God cannot change (Mal. 3:6), so how are we to make sense of Jesus’ death? Was it real? Believe it or not, some people in church history said it was not! Early on, there was a heretical group…


They Can Keep Christians From Holy Week Services, But Nothing Can Stop Easter

They Can Keep Christians From Holy Week Services, But Nothing Can Stop Easter By Joy Pullmann for The Federalist This week especially, I feel each additional incarnated religious tradition destroyed by ‘social distancing’ edicts as a fresh wound. It is a true and deep loss to be forced from our churches during Holy Week. My friends were posting cute pictures of their kids all dressed up for “church at home” this past Sunday, waving their palm fronds, ready to watch a Palm Sunday livestream. I wished I could suck it up…


One Perfect Life (Podcast)

One Perfect Life Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You To help you grasp what’s truly important about Easter, join John MacArthur as he takes you back 2,000 years to Jesus’ final hours with His disciples, just before He was arrested, tried, and sentenced to death on a cross. There history’s greatest drama unfolded. This two-part audio program is based on John MacArthur’s book One Perfect Life and features dramatic Scripture reading accompanied by commentary from John. Part 1  Jesus of Nazareth – Podcast HERE >>>   Part…


Did the Apostles Really Die for Their Claims? (Podcast)

Did the Apostles Really Die for Their Claims? (Podcast) by J. Warner for Cold-Case Christianity In this blast from the past, J. Warner examines the evidence for the early persecution of the Church and the martyrdom of the Apostles. Did the first eyewitnesses of the Resurrection die rather than recant their testimony? Can we trust the early accounts? Why does it matter in the first place? Subscribe to the Cold-Case Christianity Weekly Podcast on iTunes, or add the podcast from our RSS Feed. Subscribe to the Cold-Case Christianity Radio Interview Podcast on iTunes,…


The Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Podcast)

The Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Podcast by Shane Morris for Break Point As we prepare to celebrate Easter, can we assert that the resurrection of Jesus is a historical fact? Can it be established without a reasonable doubt? Our guest on the BreakPoint Podcast  has spent his entire professional career arguing that it is and it can be. Dr. Gary Habermas, Distinguished Professor of Apologetics and Philosophy at Liberty University joins Shane Morris to discuss the historical evidence for Jesus’ resurrection along with the grudging admissions of modern…