HOW PROPHECIES RELATED TO THE FIRST AND SECOND ADVENTS WERE FULFILLED ON PALM SUNDAY Podcast by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be looking at what is commonly referred to as Palm Sunday from an historical, inspirational and doctrinal perspective. Everything that Jesus did that day had already been prophesied in the Old Testament. Jesus rode a donkey colt because Zechariah said He would. 2,000 YEARS OF PROPHETICAL HISTORY FROM BOTH TESTAMENTS ABOUT BOTH ADVENTS MET FACE TO FACE THAT DAY…
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Palm Sunday and the Gift of Disillusionment
Palm Sunday and the Gift of Disillusionment by JONATHAN MERRITT for Christianity Today How the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry—and my chronic pain diagnosis—helped me trade in false hopes for a truer picture of God. The December sky was low and gray on the morning I woke up and could not feel my hands. I wrung out my arms, hoping the sensation would return. I shook them violently to no avail. Rushing to the bathroom, I held them under hot water. Then frigid water. Neither helped. Within days, prickly tingles…