Love Through Discipline…

Love Through Discipline… There are studies that are beginning to reveal the whole “Dr. Spock” method of child rearing made popular in the 1960’s, 1970′ and beyond are actually part of the overall problem our world has today. You can’t place children in bubble wrap and hug their poor behavior into correction. What the Bible teaches is real discipline, not hugging it out but repentance. This is how I learned love. My mother, single parent, didn’t want me and two brothers to grow up disrespectful hoodlums so, she didn’t “spare…


Only Believe

Only Believe We are taught over and over the Kingdom of God is available to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, believes with their whole heart. We are not required “to do” anything. This promise of made from God is driven home in Mark 5 in multiple ways. I love the versus below as this really paints a full picture of the idea that we need only believe. Merely coming close to Jesus and believing whole hearted the woman is cured. Mark 5 NKJV 27 When she heard about Jesus,…


Preparing the Way

Preparing the Way It begins with the belief that I have no power and need Jesus Christs’ power to fuel my life. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit I will continue living a “dead” life – worse than the walking dead. We must admit this, we must come to grips with the fact that it is only through Jesus Christ that our lives will any meaning or value. Total surrender, suited in the Armor of God we can be baptized in the Trinity that John the Baptist cleared the…


Renewal of The Mind

Renewal of The Mind My mind is a bad neighborhood that is not be trusted. Without taking God along the darkness engulfs all the light. It is only His Light that breaches the darkness and returns me to stable ground. This is an ongoing minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day battle. Just today my mind had me wondering back-allies filled with monsters coming at me from every angel imaginable. It was only when I stepped back into the Light of Jesus Christ that sanity returned and…


How Holy Spirit Reconciled an Entire Nation Through This Critical Biblical Principle

How Holy Spirit Reconciled an Entire Nation Through This Critical Biblical Principle by JESSILYN LANCASTER for Charisma Mag “I understand that when I killed the image of God, I killed myself,” the man says, surrounded by a group known as the Peace Warriors. The man, who calls himself Boniface, is among the perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide of 1994. Next to him is a victim. Beside the victim is another perpetrator. They no longer identify as Hutu or Tutsi, but as children of God first and then Rwandans. Boniface is…


When the Expected Happens in an Unexpected Way, Part 2 (Podcast)

When the Expected Happens in an Unexpected Way, Part 2 Podcast (On the day of Jesus’ resurrection) two of Jesus’ disciples were going to a village named Emmaus…. and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened… Jesus himself drew near and walked with them. But their eyes were blinded from recognizing him. And he said to them, “What are you talking about?” And they stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, named Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who…


The Power of Language and Reason To Keep Original Text Intact

The Power of Language and Reason To Keep Original Text Intact by Randolph Jason – Gospel News Network Several years ago it became quiet clear one of the reasons for the development of Twitter was for the complete destruction of language. If you people speaking in some sort of nonsensical code that only applies to one environment, well, those people become extremely easy to control outside of that limited environment. Don’t get me wrong I like twitter, I use twitter, but I also understand it’s purpose and do all that…


North Dakota Lawmakers Seek to Mandate Bible Studies for State’s Public Schools

North Dakota Lawmakers Seek to Mandate Bible Studies for State’s Public Schools by JakeThomas GNN Note – Notice the language – “forced to study“. What if we were discussing islam or another religion, would it carry the same weight, the same attacks as the Christian Bible? As long as muslims are allowed to stop studying and go pray – 5 times a day – then Christians should be provided with equal opportunities, equal time and equal resources. Whatever another religion is allowed to do on school property, time and resources,…