Finding the Narrow Way to Heaven Video by Pastor John McArthur for Grace to You Video Source
READ MORETag: bible
Judging This is another look at judging others. This is at least the second time we have discussed this in the past few weeks. Is it okay to judge if one is willing to accept the same judgement? Should we stand firm in our flexibility of judging another – what I mean is, sometimes we make judgements that are not of character nor of a any aspect of a person but of situations – is this part of the teaching that Paul is discussing? Romans 2 NKJV 1 Therefore you…
READ MOREGrace and Apostleship for Obedience
Grace and Apostleship for Obedience We are the called of Jesus Christ and through our obedience receive grace and apostleship? Supernatural in our being, if we get out of the way and allow the Spirit of holiness to overcome our lives? What a powerful greeting. What would happen to our world if more of us read, fully understood and acted upon these very simple, straight-forward and powerful greeting from Paul? Romans 1 NKJV 1 Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of…
READ MORE‘Friend, Go Up Higher.’
‘Friend, Go Up Higher.’ Humility. Who doesn’t need to work on their humility? This is one of those characteristics that we are slow to learn and quick to forget. The thing is, just as Jesus points out, when we humble ourselves others see this and naturally respond in a positive manner to who we are, even if it’s just in that moment. Luke 14 NKJV 7 So He told a parable to those who were invited, when He noted how they chose the best places, saying to them: 8 “When…
READ MOREHypocrisy May Be The Greatest Sin of All
Hypocrisy May Be The Greatest Sin of All I heard it said close to 30 years ago that hypocrisy was the greatest sin. I have never even thought of hypocrisy as a “sin”. It is not one of the 7 sins we have been taught about and heard about all our lives. If you think about hypocrisy and how it works it could certainly be viewed as a sin simply based on the dynamics and how it always involves other people – always. Jesus talks about hypocrisy in what seems…
READ MOREAsk, Seek and Knock
Ask, Seek and Knock It is impossible to make this any clearer than Jesus spoke it. There is no room for interpretation, there is no room for misunderstanding. Like 11 NKJV 9 So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 11 If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he…
READ MOREAsked & Answered: Ravi Zacharias (Podcast)
Asked & Answered: Ravi Zacharias (Podcast) with Michael Ramsden for RZIM How do you know the Bible is true? As a Christian, you might have heard this question repeatedly. On today’s Just Thinking, Ravi Zacharias is joined by RZIM Speaker, Michael Ramsden, as they explain the importance of knowing how to defend the authenticity of the Bible. MP3 Listen Download>>>
READ MORERemember the prisoners as if chained with them
Remember the prisoners as if chained with them If you’ve ever been to jail then you know it is not designed for humans. The images we see in movies and on television attempting to give a glimpse of what a prison cell may have been like when Paul, John or Joseph were captured may or may not be accurate. However, it is most certainly not any place for humans to spend time. The modern jails, I would imagine, are probably closer to a country club setting than what the disciples…
READ MORECan You Really Trust the Bible? A Thought-Provoking Response to Atheists
Can You Really Trust the Bible? A Thought-Provoking Response to Atheists by Billy Hallowell, via CBN News Can human beings truly trust the Bible? Is it reliable? One of the most frequent criticisms made by atheists and skeptics against the Old and New Testaments is that the texts are dated, antiquated and contradictory — and that they are a collection of books written by mere men. But Mark Spence, vice president of outreach at California-based Christian ministry Living Waters, believes it’s entirely possible to put these critiques to rest, and…