One Avocado A Day Helps Lower ‘Bad’ Cholesterol For Heart Healthy Benefits

One Avocado A Day Helps Lower ‘Bad’ Cholesterol For Heart Healthy Benefits from Natural Blaze Move over, apples — new research from Penn State suggests that eating one avocado a day may help keep “bad cholesterol” at bay. According to the researchers, bad cholesterol can refer to both oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and small, dense LDL particles. In a randomized, controlled feeding study, the researchers found that eating one avocado a day was associated with lower levels of LDL (specifically small, dense LDL particles) and oxidized LDL in adults with…


Next time you eat an avocado, don’t throw out the pit: It’s great for treating inflammation

Next time you eat an avocado, don’t throw out the pit: It’s great for treating inflammation by: Evangelyn Rodriguez for Natural News The avocado is considered one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. This superfruit is packed with nutrients and healthy fats that promote heart health. Hence, it’s no surprise that it has found its way to the top of the list of the most consumed fruits, together with apple and berries. But while the fruit is appreciated mainly for its delicious and nutritious flesh, researchers have found a health-related benefit…


15 Science-backed health benefits of eating avocados

15 Science-backed health benefits of eating avocados by: Edsel Cook for Natural News In recent years, avocados have become the new favorite fruit of Americans. They are rich in healthy fats and other nutrients that are vital to the normal functions of various bodily processes. Many people enjoy better health by eating avocados. You will get more nutrients and be safer from metabolic syndrome. You will also have a healthier weight and BMI (body mass index), thinner belly, and higher concentrations of good cholesterol. The improved health may come from how avocados improve the absorption…