15 Common Dynamics of Total Collapse

15 Common Dynamics of Total Collapse by Fabian Ommar for The Organic Prepper When it comes to how we see and prepare for SHTF, thinking in terms of real and probable rather than fictional and possible can make a big difference. Even though SHTF has many forms and levels and is in essence complex, random, diverse and unsystematic, some patterns and principles are common to the way things unfold when it hits the fan. With Toby and Selco’s Seven Pillars of Urban Preparedness as inspiration, I came up with a different list of the 15 dynamics and realities of…

CORONAGATE UPDATE: The Con Collapses as the People Rise Up, An Inside Perspective

CORONAGATE UPDATE: The Con Collapses as the People Rise Up, An Inside Perspective by  Christopher A. Ferrara for The Remanent Newspaper Introduction As followers of this series will know, my father Joseph, age 96, has tested positive for the Wuhan virus. He received the diagnosis on Good Friday in the midst of a statewide coronavirus “lockdown” of his VA nursing facility in Paramus, NJ that began on March 12. My sister and I were barred from visiting him until April 17, when my sister was informed that family members would now…

Sperm Counts Are Declining at Accelerating Rates Worldwide

Sperm Counts Are Declining at Accelerating Rates Worldwide by Dr. Joseph Mercola GNN Note – This ties in perfectly with our ongoing series – Essence Of Collapse. Read all installments by clicking here >>> STORY AT-A-GLANCE Men experienced a 50% to 60% decline in sperm counts from 1973 to 2011, according to a 2017 study published in Human Reproduction Update A 2022 update to the study includes data from 53 countries and an additional seven years — 2011 to 2018 — and the results are alarmingly similar Sperm concentration declined…

Welfare and Feminism Destroyed the American Family

Welfare and Feminism Destroyed the American Family by Hanne Nabitnu Herland Herland Report: Welfare and Feminism Destroyed the American Family:Stephen Baskerville, a writer I have followed for many years, explains in the June 2021 issue of Chronicles that it is the US welfare system constructed by the “Great Society” programs, not racism, that explains the plight of many black Americans. Democrat US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan warned at the time that the welfare system Democrats were putting in place would destroy the black family. Also Read – Essence Of Collapse >>> As Moynihan…

What Satanic Globalism Looks Like, Sounds Like and Acts Like

What Satanic Globalism Looks Like, Sounds Like and Acts Like by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network A lot of people in the so-called “alternative media” dismiss Tucker Carlson as a shill or puppet or whatever. They are usually doing this while quoting CNN, MSNBC or one of the other hardcore Operation Mockingbird corporate media outlets, but that’s not why we’re here. Tucker Carlson is a rare bird. Is he a propagandist, a “shill”, a disinformation agent? I don’t know. What I do know is he is unafraid of speaking…

What Does Satanic Globalism Look Like, Sound Like and Act Like?

What Does Satanic Globalism Look Like, Sound Like and Act Like? by Rory for The Daily Coin A lot of people in the so-called “alternative media” dismiss Tucker Carlson as a shill or puppet or whatever. They are usually doing this while quoting CNN, MSNBC or one of the other hardcore Operation Mockingbird corporate media outlets, but that’s not why we’re here. Tucker Carlson is a rare bird. Is he a propagandist, a “shill”, a disinformation agent? I don’t know. What I do know is he is unafraid of speaking…

Americans Are Lonely, Miserable And Depressed – The Legacy Of A Society That Has Rejected Family, Faith And Patriotism

Americans Are Lonely, Miserable And Depressed – The Legacy Of A Society That Has Rejected Family, Faith And Patriotism by Michael Snyder for The Economic Collapse Blog GNN Note – This is what we have been reporting for more than a year while placing a much bigger emphasis during 2019. We see the destruction of family, which includes people turning their back on the Father, as being the single biggest problem today with our society, economy and nation. Essence of Collapse ****** What in the world has happened to us? …

Tucker Carlson Is Right About Wall Street’s Indifference To America

Tucker Carlson Is Right About Wall Street’s Indifference To America By Willis L. Krumholz for The Federalist GNN Note – If don’t watch Tucker Carlson you may want to give it a try. If you do, and you caught the last two nights, then you already know about Sydney, Nebraska, the former home of Cabella’s headquarters. This is one of those situations that can be easily overlooked as just another sad story about a company being bought by a larger company and then the former being shut down. However, in light…

This Is The Awakening…

This Is The Awakening… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network An ongoing theme for 2019, at least on these two associated websites, has been the “essence of collapse“. There have been several articles produced around the idea of economic and financial collapse only being the symptoms of a much larger, far deeper societal problems. If we simply open our eyes and unclog our ears we will see and hear what is actually happening around us. Youth suicide exploding by 56% over the past ten years, people graduating from high…