A Random Person – Nobody

A Random Person – Nobody It is my desire to be no one special, no one to remember but rather just a random person that reflected our Lord’s love and light so that others may see and hear. There is no by-line for these daily devotionals as they are a gift from God and the words are those of the Holy Spirit using these hands to type out the letters. The goal is to show people, especially the new person, that are lost and attempting to make the changes needed…


Forgiving Trespasses

Forgiving Trespasses Jesus, and the Holy Bible in general, speaks to forgiveness quiet often. Must be more to it than we give it credit. Most people, especially today it seems, don’t realize they have done anything wrong so how could they possibly have need to understand how forgiveness works? Making amends can be a chore. When I first learned of this concept it was difficult to come face-to-face with people that I had mistreated in a variety of ways. Having to look someone in the eye and tell them how…


A Difficult Lesson to Learn

A Difficult Lesson to Learn If we give it all away we are wealthy in more ways than we can imagine. This is a very difficult concept for most people to understand and to accept. I struggle with this on a regular basis especially where it comes to finance. We are to step aside and allow Jesus Christ to take the wheel in ALL our affairs and this includes our finances. We want desperately to hold on and “manage” it ourselves. When I first got sober in 2002 I was…


The Flavor of Salt

The Flavor of Salt Days, weeks and seasons come and go before our eyes. We believe and we lose sight of our belief. Our Father knew this would happen and Jesus explains to us that it does happen. What are we to do about it and how do we overcome our unbelief? Are we suppose to or are we to continue learning, forgetting and relearning that when danger arrives our Father is there to shield us from harm? Love triumphs over evil. If we don’t believe that very simple premise…


Dis-Ease of the Mind

Dis-Ease of the Mind Alcoholism is a disease (dis-ease) of the mind. The demon dwells in the heart and tells the mind how to act, when to act and what the acts will be. A hardened heart comes from the same place, one does not have to be an alcoholic in order to have a dis-ease in their life that creates a hardened heart. When life becomes unsettled and the people around you are running to-and-fro this is the time when we should find peace and calm. Maybe this was…


How True Belief Acts

How True Belief Acts We think of ourselves as true believers and some of us live as we are taught. No one has to say “I am a Christian” if they live the life that Jesus Christ taught us to live. When we are children we ran the house in awe-struck wonder of everything we encountered. When our “imagination” was the guiding force we saw things others could not, we heard things other could not and we believed things others would not. while we do not look at the things…


Casting Out Demons

Casting Out Demons If you have ever dealt with addiction of any kind then you already know. If you have family or really close friends that have dealt with addiction then you have an idea of a mild form of “demon possessed” and, odds are, have seen what this looks like. People used to tell me that I would transform and close to the end of my previous life one friend actually said that I was like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and he never knew who was going to…


Ears To Hear

Ears To Hear Do you ever go downtown in the city closest to you and your family? What do you see? Who do you see? When we listen to our community and see what is happening our lives should be impacted. If you are a believer some of what you see and hear should move you in very profound ways. The depth of love that Our Lord felt for us should be resinating through our being at all times. We should want to see things that need attention and sprinkle…


Looking Forward and Turning Away

Looking Forward and Turning Away One can both look forward and behind at the same time. Neither can someone move both north and south at the same time. I am either a recovered alcoholic or a practicing alcoholic, I am not both. I either follow Jesus Christ, believe He is the Son of Man or believe He is a liar. There is no in-between, there is no two ways. He either is or isn’t. After we reach our conclusion we must live with that decision and live according to that…


Dinning With Sinners

Dinning With Sinners I actually left the church a number of years ago due to the fact there is much more emphasis on spreading the Gospel off shore rather than right here at home. It always appeared to be a way for a handful of people to see the world, at the expense of others, instead of focusing on the reality of helping the people right around the corner. My view has not changed in more than 30 years, nor do I see it changing before I leave this world.…