“Sir, You Know” Tears of pain, tears of joy, sorrow, fear, happiness, reverence, guilt, thanksgiving, forgiveness and love. Lots of tears on most every Sunday during service. They could come during worship, a line from a song or they could stream down during the weekly message. Not really understanding their origin is of no importance washing clean the soul is what matters. Tears for God, tears because of God and tears with God are all tears in God. Kneeling before the Father relieves such a tremendous load from our lives…
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Who Is Able To Stand?
Who Is Able To Stand? Throughout most of history people have called for the “end of days”. Since no one knows when “end of days” will be it’s rather odd that people would throughout the generations claim their season was the absolute season that Jesus would return or was it the world would end or the rapture or tribulation would begin? Someone at some point has called for all of these events and many more to come to fruition. We remain. One could argue we are moving, no, make that…
READ MORESoften My Heart…
Soften My Heart… Heavenly Father, be in our hearts and be in our souls. We give all praise to You and glorify You. Soften our hearts, be our hearts. Father, be in our minds, and better still be our minds. Father, we give all to You, we are weak and You are our strength. Father, we raise a thanksgiving in Your honor. We seek to be closer to You, we ask the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts and work through our lives and knock on the door to ask…
READ MOREProphecy and The Still Small Voice
Prophecy and The Still Small Voice We listen for the Word of God to be spoken in our lives. By creating quiet space, meditating and praying we “make room” for the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts, fill the space around us and open our minds to God. Our will pushed aside and His will being manifest in our souls, in our “worship basket”, we offer ourselves as a vessel for the still small voice to speak to us. Sometimes we are we shown the light, in the strangest of…
READ MOREDead, Faithful or Lukewarm
Dead, Faithful or Lukewarm Are you on fire for Jesus? Are you sitting, at church, in the seat on Sunday morning waiting for the service to be over so you can watch the game, go to your favorite restaurant or other activity? Do you occasionally pray and sometimes discuss Scripture or another aspect of Christianity? Well, we should heed the warning and listen, then act accordingly. – Revelation 3 (NKJV) He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. After a number of years…
READ MOREVisions From The Past Foretelling The Future
Visions From The Past Foretelling The Future A small group of us have begun studying Isiah. What an amazing Prophet, or did he even exist? There seems to be some question about Isiah, the spelling of his name and other attributes about one of the greatest Prophets in the history of the world. There are questions in my heart regarding Isiah. The spelling of his name is so unimportant there are no words to properly describe. The belief, of some, that he did not exist is of no more importance…
Quiet Time Prayer and meditation are extremely important. Prayer, could be said, is a short version of time spent with the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit; while meditation is when we have the opportunity to develop a deep, meaningful relationship with the Trinity. Quiet Time was a concept practiced by the early members of AA. This whole idea was born from the Oxford Group and Dr. Bob’s wife, Anne Smith, took notes of some of the meetings where the men would gather and meditate. The practice is truly amazing,…
READ MOREFilled With Eastern Ways
Filled With Eastern Ways Just entering a study of Isiah and it is already clear why he is considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of all the Prophets. Any human that can see this clearly, surely, must be aligned with God, the Father. Isiah 2-5:6 (NKJV) O house of Jacob, come and let us walk In the light of the Lord. For You have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob, Because they are filled with eastern ways; They are soothsayers like the Philistines, And they are…
READ MOREYour Silver Has Become Dross
Your Silver Has Become Dross Sometimes when reading Scripture it’s as if there has been a mirror placed before todays society that directly reflects what the Prophets, Apostles, Disciples and Jesus Christ himself wrote some 2,000+ years ago. We see what has happened yesterday is happening today. We realize that while some things change, the flesh of mankind does not. It is as corrupt today as it was the moment Adam bit into the apple and all of mankind became separated from God. A large part of the past few…
READ MOREProtecting From Evil
Protecting From Evil There are a number of places in Scripture that tell us not to judge. At the same time there are a number of places that warn us about sharing time and space with those that carry evil, are evil or are actually doing evil. How to square the circle with these opposing principals? It sounds like, in Matthew 7 1:2 (NKJV) it is very clear how “judgement” works. This is how Jesus, being His words, promises to hold us in judgement as we judge situations and people…